First Date- a Novella
just hung, but the hand was still grasping. “I’ll show you some pain,” Daniel said, bringing his left arm up and sweeping Andy’s left arm across his body as Daniel turned his right side to him.
    Like a scorpion’s tail, Daniel’s right arm flashed out, driving the blade of the knife into Andy’s side from his armpit to the bottom of his ribcage half a dozen times. Pushing Andy away, Daniel stepped back and brought up his hand. He lashed out, dragging the blade across the left side of Andy’s neck.
    Kicking Andy in the back of his knee, Daniel watched him collapse to the floor. “Should’ve stayed the fuck down,” he said, turning around and seeing Ginger snap a kick into Vince’s left arm as he reached for her. Glancing down at Vince’s body, Daniel saw both of Vince’s knees were bent sideways, and now, both arms were broken at the elbow, but Vince still flopped around, trying to get close to Ginger.
    A scream made everyone jump, and they turned to see Susan biting Monica’s shoulder. “Daniel, behind you,” Ginger shouted, and he spun to see Andy almost on him.
    “Communist motherfucker!” Daniel screamed, snapping a kick out and sending Andy through the air, crashing down as Malik ran past him. Glancing over his shoulder, he saw Malik do a Superman punch on Susan, sending her off the table into the wall, but she did let go of Monica.
    Hearing movement, Daniel turned to see Andy struggling to get up. “Are you the evil Energizer bunny?” Daniel cried out in shock as Andy stood and started for him. Mad once again, Daniel flipped the knife around to the normal hold. “Where the fuck are your batteries then?” he growled and charged Andy, bringing his right arm wide and swinging it in.
    The tanto tip drove through Andy’s skull, and all movement stopped except gravity took over Andy’s body. Rearing his knee back to strike, Daniel was taken aback as Andy just collapsed, pulling the knife from his hand and sending his knee sailing over Andy’s head as the body fell to the floor.
    Not believing it, Daniel jumped over the body and started stomping on Andy’s legs, breaking them at the knees. After both legs were broken, Daniel stepped back, panting and looking at the still form of Andy. Reaching down, he yanked his knife out of Andy’s skull and wiped it on his pants. “Now I know where your fucking batteries are.”
    Glancing up, he saw Malik had Susan in a full nelson against the wall. Looking over at Ginger, he took off running as she stomped on Vince’s head but didn’t see Glenda coming up behind her. “Ginger, duck!” he screamed, diving at Glenda.
    Hearing the yell, Ginger dropped down as Daniel tackled Glenda, taking her off her feet, and both sailed over Ginger’s head, crashing into some of the coworkers that were standing around watching them fight. When they hit the ground, Daniel rolled away immediately and heard some of the ones they crashed into screaming as they tried to get away.
    Seeing movement from the corner of her eye, Ginger swept her left arm out in a block as she moved to her right. Feeling her arms hit something, she turned to see Tony spin away from her block, striking his arms as he reached for her. Snapping out a kick at the side of Tony’s knee, Ginger watched him crash down. Remembering Tony had been staring off, Ginger stepped back.
    Glancing around, she saw Teresa crying as Daniel beat the shit out of Glenda. “Teresa, get back. Move to the back,” she snapped, seeing four more people just staring off. Teresa took off running to the back of the room and put her back on a corner as she watched the battle continue.
    Seeing Tony attempt to stand, Ginger jumped in the air and came down on his lower leg, filling the air with a sickening pop as the knee joint blew out. When Tony dropped to the ground, a locomotive shoved her to the side as it dove on Tony, driving hammer fists into Tony’s face.
    As she saw Tony’s face slowly disappear, Ginger looked up at

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