First Date- a Novella
from her. “Vince, you’ve been hurt and need to lay down,” Daniel said, coming up behind him.
    When Don passed another coworker, Charlie, as he backed away, Vince shifted his gaze to Charlie. “I didn’t do anything, Vince,” Charlie screamed as Vince raised his arms, grasping the air as he stumbled forward, snapping his teeth rhythmically.
    Grabbing Vince’s shoulder, Daniel pulled him hard, moving out of the way as Vince fell on his back. “Stay down, Vince; I don’t want to hurt you,” Daniel said when he felt his left forearm in pain.
    Turning to his left as he heard a groan, Daniel saw Andy still sitting in the chair with his hand clasped on Daniel’s left forearm pulling his arm to Andy’s gaping mouth. Extending his right fingers and flattening his right hand, Daniel swung, striking Andy in the throat with his fingertips. He felt the cartilage break and was looking into Andy’s eyes when he hit, but Andy showed no sign he felt it, and his head only moved back a few inches.
    Feeling his left hand start to go numb, Daniel looked down at Andy’s hand as it held his forearm like a vise. Bringing his knee up, Daniel caught Andy under the chin, snapping his head back. Raising his right arm up, Daniel chopped down on Andy’s forearm at the radial nerve.
    Daniel felt the pain from the blow, but Andy’s grip never lessened, and Daniel could see his left hand turning blue. As Andy’s head snapped forward from the knee strike. Daniel dropped his body, leaning forward to drive his elbow into Andy’s nose. A loud crunch was heard as Andy’s nose broke, but he didn’t yell out or even acknowledge it. He just opened his mouth again, going for Daniel’s arm.
    Seeing Andy’s left arm coming up to grab him, Daniel lashed out with a chop, driving it away. He knew if Andy grabbed him with both hands, it was over. Yanking back and trying to pull his arm away, Daniel accomplished pulling Andy out of the chair to his feet.
    Not able to even move the fingers of his left hand, Daniel panicked and got pissed. “Fuck you, bitch!” he screamed, swinging his right arm in an uppercut as he pulled back with his left, extending Andy’s right arm out. Daniel’s fist hit Andy’s elbow, and a sickening crunch was heard as everyone watched Andy’s elbow bend the wrong way.
    Even with his elbow destroyed, Andy didn’t relax his grip. In a rage, Daniel started lashing out with punches and elbows, driving Andy back, extending his right arm again. When Andy’s arm was extended, Daniel rolled his fingers into a half fist, striking the nerves and muscle body of Andy’s right forearm.
    In a fight long ago, Daniel had that same strike used on him and couldn’t use his hand for an hour. All it did to Andy was make his grip slacken ever so slightly, and that was all Daniel was waiting for. Rolling his left arm and pulling away from Andy, Daniel lashed out with a kick, striking Andy in the chest. Andy being kicked away, Daniel pulling back, and Andy’s own weight caused his left hand to slide off Daniel’s arm.
    Behind Daniel, Vince stood, reaching for Daniel as he stepped forward. Ginger took off running, leapt in the air, and, as she came down, extended her right leg as her foot hit Vince in the thigh right above his knee. Vince’s leg folded sideways as he crashed to the ground, and Daniel turned to see Ginger snap a kick in Vince’s face as he sat up, paying no attention to his left leg bent sideways.
    “Don’t let them grab you because their grip is worse than a vise,” Daniel said, turning around to see Andy get up and snap his teeth at him. “Oh, you still want to fucking play, bitch?” Daniel said, reaching in his back pocket. “Well, come and get some,” he grinned, flipping his wrist to snap open his flip knife.
    Raising his arms, Andy moaned as he stumbled toward Daniel. Flipping the knife over in his hand with the blade resting against his forearm, Daniel looked at Andy’s right arm. From the elbow down, it

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