
Read Fire for Free Online

Book: Read Fire for Free Online
Authors: Terra Harmony
Ahi with her.
    Ahi laughed and said over her shoulder, "Mama says you can stay as long as you wish."

    Chapter 8
    Too Many Shades
    "I think we should just let her be," Susan suggested for what had to be the hundredth time since their meeting started. "She’ll come back when she’s ready."
    Micah paced the small living room of his Reunion Island cottage, keeping an eye on Shawn.
    Susan rubbed her temples. "Chasing her down would be like cornering a wild animal. A wild animal with a baby to protect. She'll fight back."
    "Susan," Micah finally faced his sister. "I can't not look for her." The pages of notes he held in his hands crinkled as he squeezed his fists.
    Another glance at Shawn told Susan what he didn't say out loud. Shawn would never stop looking either.
    She watched her brother begin to pace the room again. Her heart ached to know Kaitlyn was okay, but it ached for Micah more. She could see him crumbling under the burdens he shouldered. She sighed. "Well what did the guys at the Chakra find out?"
    Micah flipped through his notes. "A lot. She left several possible leads as to where she went, but it’s possible all of them are false. How she had time to do all this is…" Micah made a pointed look at Alex, "curious."
    "What's done is done," Susan said, coming to Alex's defense. "What else did they find out?"
    "She researched hot spots around the world, and their coordination with ley lines and volcanoes. Kaitlyn pinpointed areas that would be energy-giving for her," Micah was flipping through his notes. "Following her research, we were able to identify several more possible sources of energy. I've narrowed it down to three though; Yellowstone, Greenland, and Easter Island."
    "Three?" Shawn finally spoke. "We could split up, cover more ground."
    "Out of the question," Micah didn't even look up.
    Susan nodded. "I'll go back to the Chakra – keep things running, and give you what support I can from there."
    Alex walked to Susan. "I'll go with you."
    The squeeze of her hand did not go unnoticed by Micah.
    "No," Susan said. "Kaitlyn needs you more right now."
    Micah caught Susan's meaning. Alex would be there to tip the scales in Micah's favor when they find Kaitlyn. Alex nodded, moving to stand by Micah. The pair looked at Shawn.
    Sensing his distinct disadvantage, Shawn brought out the one thing that could even things out. The Athame. "She drew power from the Shades. What Alex claims she learned from them must have taken a great deal of time. They know her; possibly helped her plan the escape. I can pay them a little visit."
    Micah looked at Alex and Susan, raising one eyebrow in question. Alex shrugged, Susan didn't respond. It was Micah's decision to make.
    "Fine. Do it now." Micah said.
    Shawn nodded once, spinning the knife in his hand. "It feels different. The energy it's emitting…" Shawn looked at Alex. "What did she do to it?"
    Alex shifted behind Micah. "She consecrated it. Said a spell, invoking the elements, or whatever."
    "Then what?" Shawn asked, still spinning the knife.
    "Then she touched the knife to her forehead and, well, fainted."
    Shawn rolled his eyes. "She’s always fainting."
    "That’s when they began taking over, like she had multiple personality disorder or something," Alex said. "One time, a Fire Shade took control. In no time at all, she had a huge bonfire going out back, and began dancing around it, naked—" Alex cut off at Micah's hard stare and furrowed eyebrows. Alex inched away from him. "I tried to stop her, but I got…burned."
    Susan hit him on the shoulder.
    "Ow!" Alex rubbed his arm.
    "Okay, let's just do this," Shawn declared, standing up and stretching as if he were about to run a marathon.
    "Wait." Alex reached into one of his cargo pockets, producing two pairs of handcuffs. "Put these on."
    Shawn caught the metal rings just before they hit his face. He glared. "What for?"
    "Because when you go under, anyone could come up."
    Shawn grumbled, but seated himself back in

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