Fire and Ice: Rekindled (The Fire and Ice Series Book 2)

Read Fire and Ice: Rekindled (The Fire and Ice Series Book 2) for Free Online

Book: Read Fire and Ice: Rekindled (The Fire and Ice Series Book 2) for Free Online
Authors: Kiara Delaney
don't know what you're talking about!"

    "I know Kellan wouldn't have sacrificed his life for you!"

Chapter Six

    Georgia promptly dismissed me and stomped off after her
tirade, leaving me standing alone with my jaw wide open, and confused as hell
at her cryptic words. I knew there would be no more talking to her about the
subject, especially where Kellan was concerned.

    My mind was reeling after our altercation, my appetite was
nil, and I didn't think I could stand another sympathetic look or handshake
from anyone else for the day, so I tucked my tail between my legs, and headed

    Here I sit, once again in my empty house, feeling desolate,
alone, and a shell of a woman. Georgia was right; I should be ashamed of myself
for even allowing Kellan's presence to poison my mind. But apparently, my body
has a mind of it's own. Stop it- what is
the matter with you?

    No matter how many times I tried to reason with myself as to
how wrong it was to be thinking of Kellan, seeing him in person, after all
these years, had kicked up so many emotions I had fought to rid myself of for
so long.

    Why did he have to come back now when I'm at my weakest? If
Jordan were here by my side, I wouldn't be giving Kellan the time of day. I
keep trying to remind myself of the fact that he left me with no goodbye, no
explanation- he just vanished. He had turned my whole world on its axis in an
instant, so easily, and without cause. And I have resented him for it every day
since he disappeared.

    So why am I suddenly giving in to my disgraceful, selfish
wants? Why am I so quick to dismiss his transgressions against not only me, but
Jordan, as well? I guess I was foolish to think time heals all wounds.

    It was so much easier to sweep my feelings under the rug
when he was so many miles away from me. It was my only saving grace. Luckily,
Kellan will be gone tomorrow, and I can get on with my life; a life devoid of
him. I did it once, and I can do it again. Distance. Distance is what I need.


    For the second time in the last two days, I gather up my
belongings, and stow them in my car, anxious to get Jim's 'talk' over with, and
get back to my life in Reno. The last few days have been exhausting, and I need
to get back to the normalcy of my everyday life. Being back in this town has
done nothing but stir up old ghosts I've worked years to wash away.

    Firing up my engine, the lyrics of "All Signs Point to
Lauderdale" by A Day To Remember flow into my mind, echoing my thoughts,
and my need to get out of this town that reeks of death. The death of loved
ones, the death of friendship, the death of my love for Hailey. If I stayed
here any longer, I knew my own death was eminent; I'd die inside a little more
each day.

    Arriving at the bar, I shut down my inner thoughts, and
tried to prepare myself for what I feared could only be more dismal news from

    Dreading this little 'chat', and hoping to get back on the
road as quickly as possible, I apprehensively approached Jim's office door. I
was kicking myself for not taking the opportunity to make off like a thief in
the night several hours ago. But the better part of me, if there is one, had
agreed to meet with him this morning. Being that I'd let him down in the past,
I would never be able to face him again if I took the coward's way out now; not
that I ever planned to see him again, but I was standing on principal alone.
Since the bar didn't actually open for a couple more hours, and knowing that I
wouldn't have to deal with prying eyes, it gave me some sort of solace at

    I didn't bother knocking on his door, as it stood slightly
ajar. It was a few minutes before nine, and I knew Jim would be expecting me. I
prided myself on being punctual.

    Upon entering his office, Jim looked up from his paperwork
that he seemed to be poring over, and gave me a sincere smile, beaming,
"Just the man I wanted to see," as he

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