Finger Lickin' Fifteen
If I knew, I would tell immediately. And so would Hal. And before this happened, I would say every man in the building would tell and would lay down their life for Ranger.”
    “Maybe it’s not in the building,” I said to Ramon.
    “I would like to believe that.”
    I glanced at Hal. “What do you think?”
    Hal shook his head. “I don’t know what to think. It used to be we were a team here, and now we’re all pulled up inside ourselves. It’s creepy working with people who are looking at you funny.”
    I stood and gathered my trash off the table. “I’m sure Ranger has it under control. He doesn’t seem overly worried.”
    “I saw Ranger jump off a bridge into the Delaware River in January once. He was going after a skip, and he didn’t seem overly worried,” Ramon said. “He handed me his gun, and he did about a sixty-foot free fall into black water.”
    “Did he get the skip?” I asked him.
    “Yeah. He dragged the guy out and cuffed him.”
    “So he was right not to be worried.”
    “Anyone else would have fuckin’ died. Excuse the language.”
    I wandered out of the kitchen, walked past my cubicle and down the hall to Ranger’s office.
    “Knock, knock,” I said at his open door.
    He looked up from his computer. “Babe.”
    “Do you have a minute?”
    “I’ve got as much time as you need.”
    I knew he wasn’t just talking about conversation, and there was a quality to his voice that gave me a rush. And then, for some inexplicable reason, I thought about Morelli. Morelli didn’t flirt like Ranger. Morelli would say sure and then he’d look down my shirt to try to see some boob. It was actually very playful, and it felt affectionate when Morelli did it.
    Ranger relaxed back in his chair. “I’m pretty sure I lost you for a couple beats.”
    “My mind wandered.”
    “As long as it always comes back.”
    I repeated my conversation with Hal and Ramon.
    “This business runs on trust,” Ranger said. “Ninety-five percent of the time, the work is mundane. When it rolls over into the other five percent, you need total confidence that the man watching your back is on the job. Knowing there’s an unidentified weak link in the organization puts stress on everyone.”
    I left Ranger and walked through the building. I couldn’t listen at doors or rifle through files, because I was always on camera. I peeked into the conference rooms and strolled halls. I stuck my head into the gym but stayed away from the locker room. The garage, the practice range, some high-security holding rooms were below ground, and I didn’t go there. The men I encountered gave me a courteous nod and returned to work. No invitations to stay and chat.
    I returned to Ranger. “You have a well-oiled machine,” I told him. “Everything looks neat and clean and secure.”
    He almost raised an eyebrow. “That’s it?”
    “How much am I paying you?”
    “Not enough.”
    “If you want more money, you’re going to have to perform more services,” he said.
    “Are you flirting with me again?”
    “No. I’m trying to bribe you.”
    “I’ll think about it.”
    “Would you like to think about it over dinner?”
    “No can do,” I said. “I promised Lula I’d test-drive some barbecue sauce with her.”


    I DROPPED INTO the office a little after five. Connie was shuffling papers around and Lula was nowhere to be seen.
    “Where’s Lula? I thought we were supposed to eat barbecue tonight?”
    “Turns out, Lula only has a hot plate in her apartment, and she couldn’t get the ribs to fit on it, so she had to find someplace else to cook.”
    “She could have used my kitchen.”
    “Yeah, she considered that, but we didn’t have a key. And we thought you might not have a lot of equipment.”
    “I have a pot and a fry pan. Is she at your house?”
    “Are you insane? No way would I let her into my kitchen. I won’t even let her work the office coffeemaker.”
    “So where is she?”
    “She’s at

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