African landings, 335;
campaign in Italy, 391â2, 394, 481
Clark Kerr, Sir Archibald ( later Baron Inverchapel), 300, 373, 382, 426
Clausewitz, Karl Marie von, 63, 261â2
Clay, Gen. Lucius, 572
coal miners: disaffection and low morale, 278â9, 476
Colfox, Maj. Sir Philip, 13
Cologne: bombed, 247
Colville, Lady Cynthia, 108
Colville, Sir John (âJockâ): papers, xxii, 144; on French retreat, 15; as WSCâs private secretary, 17, 54, 144; and Italyâs entry into war, 45; on maintaining British military presence in France, 51; and WSCâs sayings, 67; admires butterflies during Battle of Britain, 80; on Beaverbrook, 83; on WSCâs relations with king and queen, 86; and WSCâs self-criticism, 87; and WSCâs personal qualities, 89, 92; and WSCâs interest in news, 91; on WSCâs dictating style, 119; and WSCâs regrets over Greek venture, 136; on WSCâs independence of thought, 147; on popular distaste for Soviet Union, 154; and WSCâs view of Americans, 178; on WSCâs meeting with Roosevelt at Placentia Bay, 191; and WSCâs wish for US entry into war, 200; hears WSCâs broadcast on fall of Singapore, 238; trains as fighter pilot, 238; on worker disaffection, 276â7; visits sick WSC in Tunisia, 437; on WSCâs depression, 444; on WSC at Chequers, 449; on Kirkpatrickâs disparagement of SOE, 473; on WSCâs exhaustion, 479; on WSCâs leadership qualities, 491; on WSCâs diminishing authority among Allies, 495; on extravagant meals on Queen Mary en route for Quebec, 510; with WSC at second Quebec conference, 511; on WSCâs 1944 visit to Athens, 535â6; and WSCâs attachment to Smuts, 544; and WSCâs response to Attleeâs rebuke, 545; and WSCâs concern for Poland, 556; on WSCâs obstructiveness in old age, 565; and WSCâs reaction to emollient cable from Stalin, 566; on WSCâs move to religious faith, 570
Combined Chiefs of Staff Committee (US-British), 232
Commons, House of: WSC addresses, 12, 60, 63,381, 521, 544; harasses WSC, 208â9, 242; WSC demands votes of confidence, 236, 477, 529; censure motion on WSC, 309â10; welcomes WSC on return from Tehran, 439â40; affection for WSC, 520; anxiety over outcome of Yalta, 555; WSCâs respect for, 592
communists: and Soviet entry into war, 155â6, 160; British party membership increases, 304; WSC opposes in Greek civil war, 525â33, 539; admired for efforts in war, 526; at Athens meeting with WSC, 537
Compass , Operation, 121â2, 126
Compton, Edmund, 83
Coningham, Air Marshal Sir Arthur (âMaoriâ), 317, 450
Conservative Party: wariness of WSC, 8â9, 13; popular hostility to, 521â2, 578â9; WSCâs attitude to, 579â80; defeat in 1945 election, 589
Cooper, Alfred Duff ( later 1st Viscount Norwich): as Minister of Information, 16; and WSCâs prescription for victory, 124; and newspaper reporting of code-breaking, 159; on dealing with Americans, 189; WSC rebukes for mocking Italians, 271; letter from Halifax on Conservative lack of social concern, 282; on Katyn massacre, 373
Coral Sea, Battle of the (1942), 256
Cork and Orrery, Admiral William Henry Dudley Boyle, 12th Earl of, 13
Cossacks, 464
Coulaudon, Emile, 459
Cowan, Howard, 562
Craigavon, James Craig, 1st Viscount, 70â2
Craigie, Sir Robert, 213
Craven, Sir Charles, 83
Crete: proposed occupation by British, 19; German airborne assault on, 133â4; Greek expeditionary force evacuated to, 133; lost, 134â6; guerrilla activity and German reprials, 472
Cripps, Sir Stafford: as ambassador in Moscow, 75, 153; submits proposals on post-war reconstruction, 86; and German invasion of Russia, 153; requests British troops to reinforce Red Army, 165; declines ministry of supply, 237; background and character, 242â3; in war cabinet as lord privy seal, 242; as potential successor to WSC, 243; mission to India,