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Book: Read Finals for Free Online
Authors: Alan Weisz
tolerated. There was a sanctity in “going out” that Taylor’s charisma could not destroy. Since junior high students are clearly rational, mature individuals, the plan couldn’t fail, or so we thought.
    Yet, we never were able to see our plan through to completion because of one little outburst. I wasn’t there when the incident occurred due to my miserable luck, but Anna and fellow eye witnesses state that the scene when down like this:
    Once class ended, students began packing up their belongings, preparing to go to lunch (I sat by the door with my friend, Josh. We were always the first out the door with food trays in our hands in no less than five minutes). Anna told me that Taylor approached her as she was putting her Algebra book away and said something along the lines of, “Hey Anna! My father’s taking our new boat out on the lake this weekend. I hear the water out there is gorgeous this time of year so you must come with us. I won’t take no for an answer, missy!”
    Anna states she got up out of her chair and politely said, “No, thank you,” as she departed for lunch. My classmate, Todd told me later than he heard the whole thing. He said that like a stone cold bitch Anna said, “Fat chance of that happening, dick,” before walking right by him, but I find it hard to believe that my darling uttered those ugly words (Todd was also known for his fabrications when it came to storytelling). Regardless of what Anna said, my classmates said that Taylor grabbed Anna’s arm, causing her to turn and face him. Then in a chilling voice he said, “What did you just say to me?”
    Todd states Anna’s response contained several explicates but the majority of observers told me that Anna simply said, “I don’t want to go out on your family’s boat your narcissistic, little prick. Can’t you see I have no interest in you whatsoever?”
    Given that Anna’s response was audible from the hallway, she was collected in mere moments by a teacher who led her straight into the fiery lair of Principal DuPont.
    Anna was suspended for a week, but her efforts were not in vain. Her harsh remarks echoed throughout the hallways of St. Mary’s that week, leaving Taylor to pick the pieces of his ego up off the floor. A few of our classmates knew of Taylor’s advances towards Anna, but now the whole school had gotten the memo. The public humiliation left the boy bitter with an urgent aching to assert his vengeance.
    After the public kick in the nuts, I believed, and my classmates agreed, Taylor would ignore Anna whist trying to belittle her whenever an opportunity presented itself. Surprisingly, the kid continued to talk to Anna frequently, though his lustful dreams of seducing her had fallen to the wayside. Now he concentrated on verbally assaulting her with the tenacity of a Fox News anchor abusing a member of the liberal media. Yet, Anna’s amour was impenetrable. Taylor’s oral attacks bounced off her as if he were merely calling her “poopface” or “fart smeller.” A whore my girl was not and her self-acceptance of that fact dulled any pain Taylor wished to generate.
    After a week or so, Taylor came to the realization that his attempts to tear down Anna’s self-esteem were futile. However, the kid was not about to concede. He regrouped, devising a plan so wretchedly despicable, Satan himself would not have approved. Taylor began attacking Anna’s mother. My only guess is that through the grapevine Taylor had somehow found out about the cancer. My adversity didn’t use meaningless insults but he found a way to make his words have more of an impact on Anna than ever before.
    Taylor found Anna and I huddled by her locker, discussing the awesomeness of the latest Now That’s What I Call Music! CD. Before either of us noticed his presence, the eel silently slithered behind Anna.
    “ So Anna, how’s your mother? I heard she’s not doing well,” Taylor said

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