Feeling the Buzz

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Book: Read Feeling the Buzz for Free Online
Authors: Shelley Munro
Tags: Fiction, Erótica, Romance, Gay, Contemporary
flicked open. Focused. The first thing
she noticed was the bookcase, overflowing with books of all sizes. Her mind
sharpened, memories clicking into place. She turned over abruptly, her elbow
connecting with hard flesh.
    “Ow. Why does everyone attack my ribs? I’m
turning black and blue.”
    “Why are we in bed together?” Her hand slid
furtively beneath the covers. Whew. She was fully clothed, which meant…
    Disappointment hit the instant her mind
fixed on the truth. She was in bed with one of her hunky bosses and nothing had
    “Wayne came home and kicked me out of his
    “Did we drink a lot last night?”
    “A few beers and some wine.”
    Huh. No wonder her mouth felt like the
desert on a scorching hot day. She swallowed but it didn’t make any difference.
“I guess I should go home.”
    Sebastian squinted at his watch. “It’s
still early. I’ll drop you off on the way to work.”
    “My neighbors will gossip.”
    “So? It’s none of their business.”
    “You don’t know my neighbors. They probably
witnessed me punching Giles and have spread it all over town.”
    “Giles got what was coming to him.” His
gaze angled her way. “If your neighbors cause you this much stress then maybe
you should sell.”
    “Where would you like to live,
    “I haven’t thought about it too hard.” But
Sebastian was right. She’d known the neighbors from the time she was old enough
to speak. It was like having extra sets of parents looking out for her. Okay if
she was seven, but not so much fun now that she was dating and old enough for
    “Do I get a kiss good morning?”
    His husky voice broke off her train of
thought. “What?” While they stared at each other her heart tried to break out
of her chest. “Why?”
    “Because I didn’t get a kiss good night?”
    She huffed out a laugh. “Not a good enough
reason. Besides, I have morning breath.”
    “Not a good enough reason.” He lobbed her
excuse back at her and shifted closer before she could blink. He lowered his
head slowly, giving her an out if she wanted it. Jen didn’t move a muscle.
Their lips brushed, and Sebastian lifted his head.
    “You call that a kiss?” she muttered in
    A slow grin broke out, transforming his
expression into one of mischief, and he pounced before she could react. There
was nothing tentative about this kiss. Their lips fit together perfectly, his
big hands cradling her head while he plundered her mouth. Sensations danced
across her skin like tiny water sprites doing an erotic dance. After a few
seconds of his confident touch, she burned. Her clothes became cumbersome and
heavy. Too restrictive when she wanted to rub against him like a cat. A purr of
pleasure built in her chest and she clutched his shoulders, fighting for fuller
contact. He sipped and tasted, stealing her air, making her dizzy.
    When he finally lifted his head, his eyes
glittered. “How is your hand today?”
    She unclenched the hand that
had—unbeknownst to her—found a place in his hair and frowned at it. “It feels
fine. A bit stiff and achy but nothing too bad.”
    “I should have kissed you last night,” he
    “Yeah, right. Those magic lips would have
done the trick.”
    His eyes twinkled. “I’d like to kiss you
    “Ah, I don’t think that’s a good idea.”
    “I’ve just come out of a relationship.
Starting another one—”
    “Giles doesn’t count. Look, I could use the
same excuse, but couldn’t we take things slow? Aw, fuck.” He bit off the curse,
suddenly looking a bit sick. “No, you’re right. We can’t do this.”
    “Why?” she demanded.
    “Because Wayne likes you, and I don’t
intend to get into a dispute over any woman.”
    Jen led with her elbow, digging him in the
ribs. “I’m not property.”
    A grunt escaped him and he shifted a
fraction. “Sorry. I didn’t mean that how it sounded.”
    She narrowed her eyes at him,

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