Fallen Elements
at her daughter. “I said you’re a whore .” Karen
tilted her head back, emptying the glass. “You forget yourself over
a girl. You forget your family, our heritage, our history -
for a piece of ass.”
    Tears streamed down Ryan’s face, and she
forced her words past the lump in her throat. “I’m leaving this
house, and I’m leaving you.” Ryan walked toward the door. “I don’t
know what choices you’ve made that have left you so angry and so
bitter, but I will not be a victim of your tragedies.”
    Ryan had been home for spring break and had
walked to her room, repacked her bags, gathered a few personal
possessions, and left the house. It was the last time she had
spoken to her mother.
    Over the years, Ryan had kept in touch with
Carol, and by default had heard bits and pieces about the family.
Her mother had apparently never spoken to anyone about their
falling out. In fact, it was only after Ryan explained to Carol
what happened that her Aunt Lucy was made aware of the
    “Ryan, honey, you need to come home. We love
you. I know you think the friends you have now will be there
forever, but family is truly the only thing that lasts.” Lucy had
pleaded with Ryan over the phone.
    “I just can’t be who she wants me to be, Aunt
Lucy.” Ryan wasn’t thrilled that Carol had broken down, and no
doubt under duress, told her mother everything.
    “I’m sure this - this girl you’re seeing is
just a phase.”
    Ryan slammed her eyes shut. “Aunt Lucy, a
person isn’t a phase. Anyway, even if Samantha and I don’t last,
guess what - I’m still a lesbian.”
    “You hush now, that’s a terrible word.” Lucy
lowered her voice. “Lesbian.”
    Ryan had nearly laughed. “I have to go, Aunt
Lucy. Bye.”
    “That’s surprising.” Carol’s voice
interrupted Ryan’s reminiscing.
    “What?” Ryan looked at Carol.
    “The will. I wouldn’t have thought.” Carol
was struggling to find the words.
    “Oh, right. That.” Ryan shrugged.
    Andrew walked up. “Weird? Really, Ryan?”
Rolling his eyes, he looked intently at his cousin. “She doesn’t
talk to you for six years because you’re a dyke -”
    “Hey, Andrew!” Carol interrupted. “Shut your
filthy mouth.”
    “Fuck you, Carol.” Andrew stepped between his
sister and Ryan, scowling at his cousin. “I kissed her ass after
you left, and I get a lousy coin collection she was forced to leave me.”
    “Drop it, Andrew.” Carol put her hand on her
brother’s shoulder.
    Shrugging Carol’s hand off, Andrew took a
step closer to Ryan, who refused to concede an inch to the incensed
man. “I should have gotten mine.”
    “If you don’t get out of my face, you’re
going to get yours right in the nuts, cuz.” Ryan’s tone was sharp,
her blue eyes piercing. She had dealt with this bully all of her
life, and she wasn’t about to lose this fight.
    Andrew’s eyes widened, and he took a step
back. “Fucking dyke.” Turning, he quickly left the room.
    Carol pulled Ryan into a hug. “I’m so
    Ryan shook her head, and leaned back. “It’s
not even about me. He’s just an unhappy asshole.”
    Carol laughed, and wiped an errant tear from
her cheek. “It’s true.”
    “Carol.” Lucy stood in the doorway of the
library. “I need to speak with you.”
    Rolling her eyes, Carol stepped away from
Ryan. “Don’t you dare leave without saying goodbye.”
    Ryan grinned. “Promise.”
    She couldn’t image two more different people
than Andrew and Carol, but Ryan felt fortunate to have Carol in her
life. She hoped they might see more of each other now the
awkwardness of trying to avoid her mother was no longer an
    “Ms. Myers.” Michael Johannes stood behind
Ryan, a sealed manila envelope in his hand. “You’re mother left
instructions to give this to you separately, and while we were
    Ryan took the envelope from the man. “What is
    “I don’t know for certain. She had me
inventory it as

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