Falcone Strike
the front lines—or, in this case, well beyond them. A know-it-all-who-doesn’t isn’t particularly important, not when the fate of the Commonwealth itself is at stake.”
    Kat looked down at her hands. Months ago—it felt like years— she’d been horrified when her father had used his influence in her favor, granting her a command she knew she hadn’t earned and one she realized everyone else would know she hadn’t earned too. Now, she’d proved herself worthy of command . . . and the king had done her another favor, saving her from the consequences of her actions. And if someone believed the more exaggerated stories, they might think she’d been saved from more than a few ill-chosen words.
    But he’s right , she thought. We do need to look at the bigger picture .
    “Thank you, sir,” she said, finally.
    “Think nothing of it,” King Hadrian said. “We’re quite alike, you and I.”
    Kat blinked. “I think no one is likely to mistake you for me, Your Majesty,” she said. “I have blonde hair, for a start.”
    “Mentally, of course,” the king said. “I was prepared to do an end run around politicians too concerned with maintaining their authority to consider the long-term view. You did an end run around Admiral Morrison to get 7th Fleet ready to fight, and, when the shit hit the fan, you took command and saved half the fleet from certain destruction. The Royal Navy has good reason to be proud of you, Captain Falcone. I have good reason to be proud of you.”
    He sighed. “Maintaining the balance that holds the Commonwealth together is all well and good,” he added, “but right now . . . well, there is a war on. I suspect we may have to reshape the Commonwealth completely before the war is over.”
    “Like finding more opportunities for spacers who weren’t born on Tyre,” Kat said. “Or even born before their homeworlds joined the Commonwealth.”
    The king gave her a sharp look. “Like your XO? ”
    “ He should have held a command of his own long before I ever did,” Kat said. “And I recommended him for command in my final report.”
    “We found a more important mission for him,” the king said. “But you’re right; devising ways to integrate such personnel is important, yet difficult.”
    Kat nodded. The patronage networks that pervaded Tyre had worked fine, as long as the kingdom hadn’t tried to assimilate entire populations. But when it had, the system had run into problems. Newcomers had no links to preexisting patronage networks, so they tended to be denied promotions they’d otherwise earned . . . which, unsurprisingly, led to resentment and outright discontent. Her XO had to have regarded her appointment as a bad joke before she’d proved herself. He was old enough to be her father.
    “Maybe you can make a start on it,” the king added. He met her eyes suddenly. “We need a second victory, Captain. We need something we can sell to the people, something to prove we can win.”
    “I understand,” Kat said. She paused. “Is there any chance of a negotiated settlement? ”
    “ I am dead set against it,” the king said. “We did throw the ambassador and his staff out after the first attacks on Tyre. But they are sending messages into the datanet, promising peace in exchange for submission . . . or even the surrender of the occupied worlds. I don’t think there’s any strong peace party, not yet, but that could change.”
    And you might be overruled , Kat thought. Or impeached, if the houses of Parliament thought you were failing in your duties .
    The king shrugged. “I will ensure that Captain Davidson is assigned to your command,” he added. He winked at her. “I trust that will meet with your approval?”
    Kat blushed, furiously. “That’s going to look awkward . . .” “Looking good or bad is not the issue,” the king said. He looked her directly in the eye. “All that matters is winning the war.”
    He rose to his feet. “And with that in mind,

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