paranormal romance,
Love Story,
group sex,
from her lips and I could tell she wouldn’t last more than a few minutes.
"That was not even the worst of this nightmare. It was Jasmine that had made those horrid whimpering sounds that drew me in the first place. She lay belly down beside her mother. Oh dear gods, she was the same age as me. We often had lessons together. Her blonde curls that normally fell down to her waist like liquid sunshine were tangled and matted with blood. The green speckled eyes that held such kindness were now sealed shut in a grimace as she was about to be brutally attacked next to the body of her dying mother. Her tiny hand reached out and grasped her mother's as she bit her lip until blood poured from it.
"Behind her was my father. He crawled toward the young girl, his eyes glazed while spittle dribbled from his lips. It must have been only seconds that I stood there but it felt like hours as the atrocity played out before me. It was Rachel's last painful breath before she died that broke the spell.
"’Alpha,’ I screamed. ‘What are you doing? You must stop. Dear God, Dad, stop it.’
"My father did not even pause, but looked at me with a maniacal grin on his face. ‘My boy, come…come…its time you became a man. This little one will be a lovely introduction for you. Look, I have already broken her in for you.’ He grabbed her by the hair. ‘Damn, boy, you won't find better than this.’ Jasmine whimpered and her pain filled eyes opened and locked on mine. ‘Please,’ she whimpered.
"Something inside of me snapped and I shifted. The wolf inside of me exploded out. They told me later it was the earliest shift in memory and that my wolf was much larger than he should have been for my age.
"All I could recall was the overwhelming rage. The need to stop the monster that fathered me from hurting Jasmine anymore.
"I attacked, leaping over Jasmine's prone body and landing on my father. I knocked him backwards while going for his throat with all that I had in me, in that moment, I wanted his death.
"He was barely able to hold me away from his throat. I tore with my claws and ripped chunks of meat from the arm that he had managed to wedge between my maw.
"I had begun to rip with my back claws. I was trying my damnedest to disembowel him as he had Rachel. It was in that moment that I swore to myself that I would kill this insane fucker.
"He must have mentally called for his enforcers because suddenly I found myself ripped away from my prey and slung across the room. The impact against the wall dazed me more than a little.
"The enforcers were as horrified as I was when they took in the room. The difference is they did not understand what was going on. The room swam when I tried to stand and the world blurred around me.
"The next thing I knew I was naked on the floor with my father's men staring down at me with shocked faces." A throat clearing brought me back to the present and with a shudder, I shook off the horror that day brought. Robin looked away into the distance but Oberon watched me closely.
"Tell me, Kale, what is the ending to this nightmare tale. The dead father, dying mother…" the blue in his eyes crystalized in unfathomable rage, "the near brutalized child and monstrous Alpha. Did his enforcers rightfully destroy him? Finishing the job a boy had begun. Is that why you are so stoic now, so filled with the drive to be a good Alpha?"
"No, Oberon. That is not how the story ends," I told him miserably.
"They could not have let him live," Oberon was incredulous and openly so. Even though it had been years ago to a Fae it was but yesterday.
The king sat up straight and then leaned near to me. "Tell me, Wolf of my Puck. How did this tale end? I would know that justice was done."
I shook my head sadly. "Not that day."
Rage suffused his face and I calmly interjected.
"Would you like me to finish this nightmare and tell you the rest?"
"Yes, most assuredly I would," Oberon said in quite a fury.
"My father's Betas were
Mating Season Collection, Eliza Gayle
Lady Reggieand the Viscount