Fading Light: Shadow Born, Book 2
glanced at the altar, weighing the risks. Dragons hated witches, especially Keegan. He would kill her if he could. A powerful witch could summon a dragon and bind them to their will.
    Lilura pulled three crimson candles from the shelf behind her, then moved toward the altar. “I assume you want this done now?” She placed them in a triangular pattern at the altar’s base.
    “Yes.” Gray sank onto the battered leather sofa at his side. “Can you do it?”
    “Of course I can.” Straightening, she brushed her hands on her lavender dress. The wax stuck to the silk fabric. “But once I do, he’s your problem. You’ll give me the locket, then I want you both gone.”
    It didn’t take her long to ready the ingredients for the spell. She threw a ratty brown tarp on the floor beside the altar. Cream candles were placed around the edges in a circular pattern, a trail of blood to connect them. When she was done, she tossed the dagger she had used to slice her finger into the center.
    “I’m ready. Stand beside the circle.” She loosened her body, her hair dancing behind her.
    Gray did as she asked. “That’s all you need?”
    With a pronounced eye roll, she gestured him forward. “My magic is user-friendly. Do you want to do this or not?”
    “Get on with it.” Arms crossed, he waited.
    She murmured an incantation and her power swelled. It swirled in the center of the room until it formed a vortex of thick blue smoke. Gray leaned forward, holding his breath as the pressure continued to rise. There was an audible pop, and it was gone. Lilura slid to the floor, unconscious, as her magic sought her prize.
    It didn’t take long.
    Mist formed in the middle of the circle. It thickened, growing in stature until it evolved into the shape of a man. Soon the mist fell away and a very angry dragon stood in its place, locked within the circle.
    “You.” Keegan lunged at Gray. He cursed as Lilura’s magic shoved him back.
    In human form he was a large man. Close to seven feet of solid muscle, his head touched the top of the tent. His black hair was cut short, framing a face too masculine to be handsome, yet unmistakably attractive.
    Lilura stirred as her magic returned. After a few moments, she stumbled to her feet, hand outstretched. “The necklace.”
    Gray dropped it onto her palm. His eyes never left Keegan.
    “Use the knife,” Lilura instructed Keegan as she shoved the relic into the gap between her breasts. “Spill your blood on one of the candles. It will break the circle.”
    Gray could feel Lilura’s apprehension as Keegan tried to complete the ritual. “Don’t worry. I’ll get him out of your hair.”
    “The sooner the better.” She glanced around the tent. “Don’t destroy anything. It’s taken me years to put this place together.” With one final glance, she left.
    “Stupid witch.” Keegan held his sliced palm over the nearest candle. “I told her if she did this again, I would have her heart for breakfast.”
    “Blame me.” Gray shook his head as the candle flickered, but didn’t go out. “Let the blood drop directly on the flame.”
    Keegan glanced at him, one eyebrow cocked. “Maybe you should haul your ass over here and help me.”
    “I can’t until you break the circle.” He paused. “Want me to write instructions?”
    A growl slipped from Keegan’s lips. “I’ve never eaten a Shadow Bearer. Bet you taste like chicken.” He slammed his palm onto the still-burning candle without batting an eye.
    The circle broke with an audible snap and Keegan walked through it.
    “Feel better?” Gray moved to give him space.
    “Much.” Keegan shook himself then leaned his head to one side, stretching his neck. “Time to skewer a witch.”
    Gray grabbed his arm. “It’ll have to wait.” Ignoring Keegan’s hiss, he handed him a photograph. “It’s happening again.”
    Keegan ripped the paper from his hand. “When?”
    “We found the first set of victims a few hours ago in a bar

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