Faded Cotton (Erotic Romance)
water was clear and refreshing from deep red goblets
with clear stems. The bartender delivered mixed drinks and American
brewed beer.
    “I like to keep my friends happy! To good
friends, family, love and happiness! Cheers!” Seth raised his glass
in toast.
    Lifting her glass, Laurel realized Jen
Delaney was obviously uncomfortable.
    “For Pete’s sake, Adam! Uncuff and ungag the
girl!” Adam reddened at the laughter all around.
    “She won’t shut up and she keeps trying to
run off!” He protested, grinning.
    A very muffled noise came from his beautiful
captive, “_uh_ _ew!!” The room erupted in laughter; even the guards
in the room lost their composure. No one had mistaken her response;
“Fuck you!” was pretty clear, even through a gag.
    Laurel sought to quell the situation,
“Captain Delaney, please stay for dinner.” She took a sip of water
and then added, “...actually you have to, because you ain’ getting off of this damn island any sooner than me!” Laurel turned
a warm smile toward the young lithe blonde.
    Jen’s stomach growled and she slumped,
looking up at her captor.
    “Undo the lovely Captain, my dear,” Laurel
    Jen’s eyes shot daggers at Adam MacClain as
he leaned over to whisper to her, his lips accidentally brushing
her ear, “No one here will hurt you. This is for your own
    He cautiously removed the silk scarf gag and
unlocked the cuffs. She rubbed her wrists, wiped her mouth with the
back of her hand, and adjusted her seating. She was red-faced,
partially from embarrassment, partially from being so uncomfortable
in the presence of Adam MacClain. Looking at the table, she
identified her goblet and grabbed the drink.
    She chugged the icy water. Emptying the
vessel, she set it down with a tap on the wood table and surveyed
the exits. Laurel noticed.
    “Jen, dear, forget it. There are more guards
here than Custer had horses. Enjoy your dinner. I know these guys.
You are here for the duration, honey.”
    Adam replaced Jen’s glass with his full one
in an apologetic gesture. Adam caught her gaze for a moment.
Unaccustomed to being restrained, Jen was seething.

Chapter 10
    Jen Delaney was just as turned on, as she was
furious. Her captor was as gentle as he was handsome. He had to
chase her down more than once, but was never rough. His touch was
exciting . Calm down girl , Jen thought to herself. Good
grief, it had been a while.
    She considered it and couldn’t remember the
last time she had even had a date. She didn’t have time for that.
Her emotional side had her thoughts scattered and she needed to
refocus. She met Laurel’s eyes and relaxed a bit. Dinner. That is
what she needed to focus on. Sit tight, eat. Her
self-preservation instincts took over.
    Laurel, not wanting to press the perched Jen
Delaney into bolting and disrupting dinner, redirected the
conversation. She was used to taking the hostess’s role and took
over naturally in the absence of the mystery guest, whose seat of
honor was still empty. “Seth—our main course?”
    With a nod, the serving staff quickly filed
in and out, removing empty plates, replacing them with a delicious,
tender steak, and steamed vegetables—American cuisine in the
islands. She loved it.
    As the group was nearing the end of the main
course, conversation and laughter filled the room. Family,
politics, real estate, horses, and ‘SEAL talk’ dominated the
conversations. Laurel was enjoying being together with all of them.
More drinks came, and each guest finally seemed at ease.
    Just as Laurel started to relax, the doors to
the sitting area opened and the guards snapped to attention, as did
the rising Navy personnel. Captain LaGrande had entered the room
with an authoritative countenance. He took his position at the end
of the table.
    “At ease, men.” It took a millisecond to
register in Laurel’s mind who the mystery guest was.
    Laurel wasted no time letting Jake LeGrande
know just how she

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