Fabulous Five 009 - The Boyfriend Dilemma

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Book: Read Fabulous Five 009 - The Boyfriend Dilemma for Free Online
Authors: Betsy Haynes
them their orders.
    "There's Randy," said Jana. "I'll be right
back." Then she added, looking at Christie, "I'll be watching in case
you need help."
    Christie surveyed the crowd, telling herself that she was not looking for Jon but knowing deep down that she dreaded the possibility of
seeing him with Kimm again.
    Dekeisha Adams and Mandy McDermott were sitting with Bill
Soliday and Tony Sanchez. Dekeisha waved when she saw Christie and Beth. Laura
McCall and her friends were sitting together, and when Christie noticed them,
they started whispering to each other and pointing in her direction. Christie
had the feeling it was all for her benefit.
    "Hi," said Shelly Bramlett as she came up to put
money in the Wurlitzer.
    Christie and Beth said "Hi" back.
    "Did I see Jon sitting with Kimm Taylor in the
cafeteria today?" Shelly asked Christie as she punched the buttons. "You
and Jon haven't had a fight, have you?"
    Christie tried not to show any reaction to Shelly's
question. "Oh, no. Jon and I aren't going steady. We're just good friends."
    Shelly looked at Christie. "Hey, Christie. I think you're
prettier than Kimm Taylor any day. You don't have to worry about her."
    "I'm not worried about Kimm Taylor," responded
Christie. "Jon can talk to her all he wants."
    "Well, if he were my boyfriend, I wouldn't let someone
take him away without a fight," said Shelly. "See you later."
    Christie looked at Beth. Beth shrugged noncommittally. Why
can't people understand about Jon and me? Christie wondered. But still, Shelly's
words left her feeling depressed.
    Looking around again, she saw Jon sitting with Keith
Masterson and Randy Kirwan at the booth where Jana had gone to talk to Randy.
Jon gave Christie a big smile when he saw her.
    "Here are your sodas," said Katie, coming up from
behind them. "Where's Jana?"
    "Over there, talking to Randy," answered Beth.
    "I'm glad I got in line. Scott just asked me if I'd go
to the movies with him tonight," said Melanie. "Is anyone else going?"
    "I'm going with Tony," answered Katie. "We're
going to double with Jana and Randy. Randy's dad is dropping us off."
    "Keith and I are going, too," said Beth. "Why
don't we all meet in front and sit together."
    "That sounds great," responded Katie. "What
about you, Christie? Are you and Jon going?"
    "We haven't talked about it," answered Christie. "I
don't know what he's doing."
    "Are you two still just best friends?" asked
    Oh, no, thought Christie, glancing in Jon's direction. Not
more questions about us.
    "Nothing has changed," she answered, trying not to
show her frustration at the question.
    Going to the movies with The Fabulous Five and their
boyfriends was always fun, but she didn't really have a boyfriend of her own
now, and Jon might not want to go with her. He might want a real date.
    "Look out, here comes Laura and her friends,"
whispered Beth. Laura, Melissa, Tammy, and Funny had gotten up from their booth
and were headed toward The Fabulous Five.
    "Have you found the mystery person who supposedly put the answer cards in your folder?" asked Laura. She had the end of her
long braid in her hand and one eyebrow was raised arrogantly.
    "It's just a matter of time until we do," Christie
said with more confidence than she really felt.
    "There are only a few people in Wakeman who would do
such a dirty trick," said Beth, stepping forward. Christie knew Beth
wanted to protect her from Laura's insults and appreciated her friend's
    "Well, you don't have a lot of time left,"
interjected Melissa.
    "I've got until Wednesday," responded Christie.
    "Maybe not," said Tammy with a sneaky grin.
    Christie looked at her questioningly. "What do you
mean? Mr. Neal said I had until then."
    "Well," piped up Melissa, " we don't
think it's fair for me to have to wait that long to know if I'm going to be on
the team, and I'm going to tell Mr. Neal that. After all, I need to know
whether or not I should study, don't I? Wednesday is too late to find out. We

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