Exodus From the Alamo: The Anatomy of the Last Stand Myth
Missouri Gazette , St. Louis, Missouri.
Morning Courier and New York Enquirer .
New Orleans Advertiser , New Orleans, Louisiana.
New Orleans Post and Union, New Orleans, Louisiana .
New York Herald , New York, New York.
New York Times, New York, New York.
Niles’ National Weekly Register , Baltimore, Maryland.
Richmond Whig , Richmond, Virginia.
San Antonio Daily Express , San Antonio, Texas.
San Antonio Express , San Antonio, Texas.
San Antonio Express News , San Antonio, Texas.
San Antonio Ledger , San Antonio, Texas.
San Antonio Light , San Antonio, Texas.
St. Louis Republican , St. Louis, Missouri.
The Catholic Telegraph , Cincinnati, Ohio.
The New Yorker , New York, New York.
The Royal Gazette , New York, New York.
The Telegraph and Texas Register , Columbia, Texas.
The Texas Republican , Brazoria, Texas.
Toledo Blade , Toledo, Ohio.
Washington Post , Washington, D.C.
Western Courier and Piqua Enquirer , New York New York.

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