Eversea A Love Story

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Book: Read Eversea A Love Story for Free Online
Authors: Natasha Boyd
Tags: english eBooks
had told me about earlier.
    He’d found a plain black t-shirt in Joey’s room. It molded to his muscled frame a little snugger than when on my brother. It was devastating.
    I sighed.
    “What’s up?” Jack’s agent howled through the phone, causing Jack to pull it away from his head. He caught my eyes and mouthed “ sorry ”.
    I busied myself unpacking the groceries and separating out his money.
    “What’s Up ?” Andy yelled again, clearly there was no need for speakerphone with this dude. “I’ll tell you what’s up. This is the most viral news story since Britney shaved her head, and you are nowhere. To. Be. Found.”
    “Yeah, look, sorry about that, it’s just—“
    “Sorry! Sorry?” Andy cut right over Jack’s words. “Don’t be sorry, Ace. It’s fucking fantastic. Are you kidding me? My God, you should see it here, it’s like the fucking eight days of Hanukkah and Christmas all rolled into one. The phone hasn’t stopped. You are the number one search term on Google. Number One !”
    I winced at his volume even from where I stood.
    It seemed like Jack knew from prior experience not to interrupt Andy when he was on a roll.
    Jack looked at me apologetically again.
    I shrugged and went into the hall to see about eavesdropping out of sight. Andy’s caustic personality continued to emanate from my kitchen. “It’s fucking genius. Everyone’s all like, where in the world is Jack Eversea? There’s a bounty on your head, my man! It’s like the celebrity version of Where’s Waldo . We couldn’t have planned this better, I’m telling you. So, where the fuck are you? Wait, I’m gonna drop pin you.”
    I heard a muffled “Oh shit” from Jack and peeked around the corner to see him fumbling hastily with his phone. Presumably, to disable the locator app Andy was referring to. Milliseconds later, his shoulders sagged in relief.
    Andy grunted as Jack brought the phone back to his ear. “Shit, I don’t see you on my map. Ok, where are you?”
    “Andy, don’t freak out, ok? I’m not telling you or anyone where I am right now.” Jack held his breath.
    “Oh, don’t tell me, you’re with a chick. You sly fox.” Andy’s lascivious chuckle made my hair stand on end and I ducked back as Jack glanced over in my direction. “I hope she’s trustworthy coz right now the whole world is on your side. The poor, betrayed hero. Don’t fuck that up for me, okay?
    “Okay?” he yelled again when Jack didn’t answer. “And you have until next Friday, then I want you in my office so we can go over your statement and calm the boys from Peak Entertainment the fuck down. You have a publicity contract to fulfill for them. With Audrey.”
    Jack took a deep breath, and I imagined him wincing as he delivered his next words. “Actually, Andy, I’ll be gone for three weeks. I’ll see you in time for the first event in that contract. Bye.” He hung up on what sounded like Andy having a stroke, then clenched his fist hard and pounded on the kitchen counter.
    I jumped.
    He caught the movement and turned my way.
    “Sorry. I’m so fucking—” he cleared his throat, “freaking frustrated. Since when did my life get so freaking out of control? It seems I have other people running every single aspect of it. Andy, Sheila; my publicist, the entertainment company that pretty much owns my soul right now with the third movie coming out, and Audrey, my supposed girlfriend, who even now is probably bribing my assistant Katie for my whereabouts. I didn’t even tell Katie where I was going, and I probably trust her more than my own mother.”
    He ran both hands through his hair. He seemed unaware he was sharing all this stuff with me. “Katie has my credit card log in, I just pray she won’t share it with Auds to figure out where I am.” He quickly pounded out a text on his phone speaking the words aloud as he typed:
    “Do, not, try, and, find, out, or, tell, anyone, where, I, am, under, pain, of, being, fired, dash,

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