Eve Vaughn

Read Eve Vaughn for Free Online

Book: Read Eve Vaughn for Free Online
Authors: Rebellion
Tags: Erótica, Sci-Fi
looked at one another before running out of the room, probably to see what the commotion was.
    Holly didn’t care if the entire building fell down around her, anything would be better than the agony she currently suffered.
    She didn’t know how much time passed before she was rejoined. This time it wasn’t a Cyrellian, but a man.
    He said something but she couldn’t make out what he was saying. Who was he and why did he look so familiar? Holly was almost certain she’d seen him somewhere before, but her vision was so blurry at this point she couldn’t make out much.
    He produced a menacing looking weapon which he brought down in a wide arc.
    Holly held her breath, wondering what he was doing, but she could barely raise her
    head. The man seemed to be sawing away at something. Then he moved to the other side of her and repeated the motion. Once he completed his task, he worked on the hook connecting her straightjacket to the bed post, and finally the fastenings holding her arms immobile.
    Though he’d somehow freed her, she didn’t want to move because it hurt too much.
    The man grasped her by her forearms, pulling her out of the bed. Holly wanted to scream from the excruciating pain tearing through her body, but her vocal cords were paralyzed.
    Just as he gathered her into his arms, she mercifully blacked out.

Chapter Four
    Chase gently laid Holly down on the makeshift bed in his hideout, and then proceeded to undo the straightjacket and strip it away from her. In her unconscious state, she twitched and moaned. When he touched her forehead with the back of his hand, Chase discovered she was burning up. What had they done to her? Was it already too late?
    Pulling out his canteen he opened it and placed the mouth against her parched lips. He tilted her head back and poured a little down her throat, careful not to choke her. To his relief, she gulped the water. That was a good sign. He gave her a little more of the liquid.
    It was too bad there was no running water in his hideout; otherwise Chase would administer a cool bath to bring the fever down. If the streets weren’t currently crowded with law enforcement, looking for him, he would have headed toward base, but it was too dangerous. He’d have to wait until the next night to make the attempt out of the city. If Holly weren’t with him, he’d take a chance and leave immediately, but he refused to put her at risk. Chase realized if they got their hands on her again, they would kill her outright and him. But he wasn’t worried about himself.
    The fluid in his canteen was cool enough so it would have to do. Chase removed her clothing until she was in her bra and panties. Then he removed his T-shirt to use as a makeshift rag and wet it. He kept his mind blank as he moved the damp cloth over her forehead and body, hoping this was providing her some relief.
    He repeated the motion, making sure to get every inch of exposed skin. His task became more difficult as he continued. She was so beautiful and all he wanted to do was brush his lips against hers again. Just one taste would do. If only… No. Stop thinking with your dick .

    Suddenly Holly’s eyes popped open and she groaned. Chase stiffened, waiting for her to make the next move.
    “Hurts,” she whispered.
    “I know. It’s okay. I’ll take care of you.”
    Her eyes narrowed slightly. She was probably adjusting to the dim lighting of his mini heliolamp. “You,” she croaked. “Why are you here?”
    “Don’t talk. You’re going to need to reserve all of your strength for our escape tomorrow night.”
    She licked her dry lips. Chase couldn’t help following the motion of her pink tongue running across those bow-shaped lips. He had to take a deep breath in order to get his raging hormones under control.
    “Escape from where?”
    “The city. We can’t leave now, because there will be too many patrolmen on the streets looking for us.”
    “Won’t they continue to look for us until

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