Escape to Earth 1: Running From Fate
police cruisers arrived. It quietly moved away from the site and arrived at Lukas’ apartment three minutes later. “The local law enforcement are just now breaking through the warehouse door. I’ll keep you informed on what they determine.”
    “Thanks, I’m turning on the TV to see if anything turns up.” Things did turn up.
    • • •
    The next day, Lukas took out his garbage and found Kathy sitting in a chair on her porch waiting for him. Lukas saw her and paused; after a moment he smiled and said, “Are you alright?”
    “I need some help getting up to my room. I managed to bring the garbage down but my legs hurt too much to climb the stairs; can you help me?” Lukas put the garbage bag in the dumpster and nodded. He walked over and picked Kathy up and carried her up the stairs. She used her key to open the door and he carried her toward the couch, “If you don’t mind, please take me to the bedroom.” Lukas carried her in and put her gently on the bed. He started to leave by she grabbed his hand, “I want to thank you for taking care of me.”
    “Anyone would have come to your aid last night.”
    “I’m not talking about that. I heard on the news this morning that the gang that attacked me had a shootout and killed every member. Thank you.”
    Lukas looked her in the eyes and quietly said, “The news says they killed each other.”
    Kathy smiled and said, “But you and I know better.” Kathy pulled him down to the bed and Lukas was surprised by her strength. He also learned why humans were so wrapped up in the opposite sex. It all made sense, now.
    • • •
    He left Kathy later and walked back to his apartment. He wondered how she knew but finally decided she figured it out after he told her they were not going to harm her. His head was spinning and suddenly, everything that was so confusing about this species started to make sense. He watched TV until time to leave for work and everything seemed to be clear. He left his apartment and walked down the hill and thought about everything that had happened the night before. He was lucky. He took a huge chance at going after the four gang members and had almost been shot. He thought about if he would do it again and after he arrived at the restaurant, he had to say he would. He felt something when he found her being attacked and coming to her defense was almost a genetic response. He knew he had to do it. It wasn’t something that he had thought through; it was something that took control of him. This was something he needed to discuss with the pod. But first, work.
    • • •
    He didn’t see Kathy for four days but on the fifth he saw her on her front porch hugging a young man. She saw him and yelled, “Lukas, come over here, please.” Lukas was wondering what was going on and he walked over. Kathy said, “Lukas, this is John. He’s my fiancé; we’re getting married this coming May.”
    John came down the steps and said, “I want to thank you for taking Kathy up to her apartment after she fell down the steps. Her legs are really bruised. I really do appreciate it.”
    Kathy stared at Lukas and he smiled, “What are neighbors for? Congratulations, I wish both of you the best.” John shook his hand and Lukas saw Kathy nod slightly. He turned and went back to the garbage can. He didn’t understand why she had done what she did, but after several days he decided that it was the only thing she could do to thank him. He knew this was someone he would have to put behind him. He sighed and went back upstairs.
    • • •
    He watched TV for an hour and then turned it off. He stared at the black screen for another hour and then picked up his jacket. “Don’t let this bother you.”
    “Easy for you to say.”
    “She’s just the first, there will be others.”
    He stopped on the third step from his porch and thought, “How can you say that?”
    “I’ve been listening to the females that work in your restaurant.”
    “You have?”

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