Escape to Earth 1: Running From Fate
threw the bodies in the van and Gilliam accelerated up the hill. They arrived at the top and didn’t see anyone. “Where do they stay?” Silence greeted Goat’s question and he turned around and looked at Moe, “I asked you a question.”
    “I don’t know. I always seen them walking up and down the hill.”
    Goat rolled his eyes and then shook his head, “I want this hill staked out starting in the daylight, you understand! Shoot the dude and bring me the wo.”
    “They may not come out after what went down.”
    “I don’t care if you wait a month, you will do as I tell ya!” Moe nodded and slinked down in the back of the van. He looked at Kong and saw him sitting on the dead bodies eating a sandwich. Goat looked out of the front glass, “We need to go back home and wrap these dead in plastic for Charles to eat. Just make sure there’s enough weight to feed him well.”
    Moe nodded, “I’ve got the chains stored in a barrel.” Goat nodded as the van made a U-turn and headed back down the hill.
    “They’re on the way back.” Lukas nodded and moved to the side of the warehouse closest to the large metal door. He listened and finally the van pulled up as the door started rising. He slipped in behind the van and followed it into the warehouse.
    Moe and Kong exited the sliding door in the side of the van as Gilliam looked at Goat and shook his head, “I know, he’s dumb but he follows orders.” Gilliam shrugged and heard a gunshot. He grabbed the assault rifle and exited the van.
    • • •
    Lukas saw Moe moving back toward the door and he stepped out from behind the van. Moe was stunned speechless but he had enough sense to pull a handgun out of his belt. He pointed it at Lukas, who stepped in and grabbed his arm and spun him around. Gilliam came around the front of the van aiming the assault rifle and Lukas put his hand over Moe’s and pulled back on his index finger. Gilliam didn’t get a shot off before a bullet hit him in the forehead. Moe felt like he was in the grip of a demon force. He felt an arm around his chest that crushed all the air out of his lungs; he couldn’t stop what was being done with his arm.
    Kong grabbed a shotgun off a table and pointed it at Moe and Lukas. Lukas spun Moe around and the shotgun blast hit Moe in the chest. Lukas ducked behind Moe’s large body just before Kong fired and then he lifted Moe and ran at an incredible speed toward Kong. Goat had come out of the passenger’s door and fired all six shots in his 44 Revolver and missed with all six. He had woefully underestimated Lukas’ speed. Lukas raised Moe’s gun again and pulled on his finger twice. Kong was hit in the throat and then in the right eye. He dropped the shotgun and fell to the floor.
    Goat pulled out a Colt 45 semi-auto out of his belt and opened fire again. Lukas threw Moe’s body to the side and dove to the floor and slid by Kong’s body; he picked up the shotgun as he passed. He raised it above Kong’s dead body and pulled the trigger just as he moved his head slightly right. A bullet missed hitting him by an inch and clipped the top of his left ear. He looked at Goat and saw he no longer had a face. The gang leader remained standing for an instant and then collapsed to the floor.
    “You’re going to need to get your fingerprints off that shotgun.”
    “I stopped the oil in my hands thirty minutes ago. The only fingerprints will be the huge man’s. By the way, did you get the frequency that opened the door?”
    Lukas ran out of the warehouse and the door began closing behind him, “I did.”
    “We need to get home, my ear is bleeding.”
    “Lay back in the seat and I’ll use the DNA program to heal it.” Lukas leaned back and in a moment, the ear returned to normal.
    “I should have thought of that.”
    “You were preoccupied. Let’s get out of here.” The dark Vette lifted over the trees in back of the warehouse and landed in an alley fifty yards behind it, just as the first

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