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Book: Read Enticed for Free Online
Authors: Amy Malone
Mark and she had had the night previous was intense and deep, sure, but one of the things that had appealed to her the most about it in retrospect was its simplicity. They were both divorcees who were looking to have a vacation - the main goals of which were slow their lives down and do it without being totally alone.
    Now, Tammy was in town, and everything felt like it was beginning to get complicated. Alana just didn’t have the emotional energy for it. She decided then and there as she bumped along the nearly overgrown path that she would let Mark and Tammy sort out their own troubles. There was no reason why she needed to go near either of them.

    Chapter Six
    Tammy Thompson drove away from the church, feeling accomplished. She, of course, hadn’t actually forgotten her cell phone, but needed an easy way to go digging for information locally. And it had paid off. What were the odds that she would run into that sweet little thing on a bike? Alana was gorgeous, at least. If Mark was going to sleep with other women, at least they should be attractive women. There’s nothing more offensive than news that your husband has been porking the chubby maid. Though, truth be told, she’d had a pool boy or two in her day.
    Taking her cell out from the glove compartment, Tammy dialed Roscoe as she drove. She didn’t actually like Roscoe, but he was good at his job. Good enough for her to feign politeness. He picked up on the other end.
    “Hello there, Tam. It’s been awhile. What can I do for ya?” Tammy was once again reminded of how much she hated being called ‘Tam’ by anyone but Mark. She soldiered on.
    “Hi there, Roscoe!” she said, nearly sick with her feigned excitement. “I was wondering if you could do something for me?”
    “Anything for you, beautiful,” he said from the other end. Coming from Roscoe, it was more lascivious than charming. Tammy shuddered.
    “I need you to look up a name for me. Alana Alcock.”
    “Will do, sugar. Anything else?”
    “No Roscoe. That’ll be all. I’ve got to go, but call me when you have something.”
    “Aw, leavin’ already? Okay, sugar plum, I’ll get it for ya soon as I can. Don’t you worry, ‘ole Roscoe never fails.”
    You’d better not, Roscoe, Tammy thought.
    Tammy pulled up to her hotel, never having intended to go to the local restaurant. She had too much thinking to do and didn’t want to be distracted by locals trying to make nice with the new black chick. She’d order in. Besides, she only had a week to figure this out. That was important. She’d told Mark a week, and if she couldn’t resolve this before then, she’d be forced to leave and hope things fell apart for Mark here. Or, at least that they stayed in the air long enough for her to make another play.
    Mark Thompson awoke to find himself blinking at the rays of an evening sun. After his morning bourbon, he’d gone to his grandfather’s backyard hammock to relax and take a nap. Luckily, he’d fallen asleep before he’d had enough of the liquor to make him feel hung over, now.
    He sauntered into the house, wondering what he should do with what was left of his day. Well, first things first. I need a shower. After choosing a t-shirt and jeans, he got the water started in the shower upstairs in his grandfather’s room. As he washed over himself, he began to relax a little, thinking more clearly. Tammy wasn’t an actual problem. Years of maneuvering in their relationship had made him paranoid. It was more likely that she was just upset that he was finally over her. True, for her to come this far was a bit crazy, but she’d told him she’d be gone by the end of the week. Mark was sure her pride and vanity wouldn’t let her stay in town longer than she had said. And after all, how much harm could she do in a few days.
    He liked Alana. No, he didn’t know exactly what it meant or where it was going, but that was part of the appeal. This town was a place where people could just

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