
Read Entangled for Free Online Page B

Book: Read Entangled for Free Online
Authors: Annie Brewer
want to. I need independence.
    “I didn’t hear a thing.” It surprises me that as much alcohol as she had, she wasn’t beside me on the floor.
    “I’m a quiet thrower-upper. Anyway, new topic please?”
    “Yeah, Derrick’s cousin is coming in a couple of days. Apparently he’s trouble. I wonder what he did.”
    “How do you know he’s trouble?”
    “Uh, hello? Derrick told me he’s gotten into a lot of trouble in New York. Of course when I think of New York, I think “no good”.” I give her a puzzled look.
    “You shouldn’t judge a person before you get to know them. Everyone has a story, a past but it doesn’t mean they can’t change. Maybe that’s why he’s moving here, to change.” She snorts in disbelief. “Besides, I love New York. It’s on my bucket list of places to visit.” I get up and wash my dish before stalking toward the bathroom but stop to watch the TV. “It’s about time Chandler and Monica do it. They’re my favorite Friend couple.” I prepare for my shower.
    We pull up to Andi’s parent’s house. It’s a 2-story, red brick house with a big front yard and garden in front. Melanie has a vegetable garden in the back too. Inside the walls are a green color that brings out the dark green furniture and wood flooring. They have pictures everywhere, on the walls, mantle, and bedrooms-wherever they can fit them. I’m in a lot of them too, which makes me feel like I’m part of the family.
    “Maddy.” Melanie greets us at the door and we hug.
    “Hi mom.” Andi embraces her mother as Jim comes out of the house, ushering us inside. He’s looking slightly pale and I wonder if he’s sick but he’s acting normal so I make no mention of it. “So glad you ladies came.”
    “Wouldn’t miss it, Mel. You’re quite the chef.” I smile, inhaling the delicious scent of meatloaf and mashed potatoes.
    “Are the guys going to be joining us tonight?” She asks, setting the food on the table.
    “Uh, no. They have plans tonight.” Andi states. I set the plates and silverware on the table.
    Once everything is ready, we all sit down. “So, Maddy how is work?” Jim shoots me a sympathetic glance, remembering our conversation at the bar. I smile, pouring my drink.
    “It’s good, with some good days and some bad days. You know how it goes.” I take a sip of my lemonade, in need of a distraction, away from death talk.
    “I’m sorry to hear about the dog.”
    “Mom.” Andi intervenes, gesturing for her mom to drop the sore topic. I pat her hand in thanks and say, “It’s okay. And thank you. I knew what I was getting into when I started. The animals we do save make the ones we don’t worth it.” I pause, “Wait, that sounded wrong. I mean we can’t save them all. We try our best though.” I stop talking and fill my plate with food, my mouth watering.
    “How’s work for you Andi?” Her dad asks.
    “It’s good thanks. Same shit, different day.”
    Dinner is silent minus some small talk about a vacation her parents are taking to Virginia in a couple weeks. Mainly Jim talks about work at the firm, he’s a lawyer which, I know very little about so I keep my comments to a minimum so I don’t look stupid. They tell us Ella, Andi’s younger sister is coming home for Thanksgiving. She’s in school in California.
    We have peach cobbler and ice cream for dessert, along with coffee. After we clean up and wash the dishes, we set out to the living room to watch a movie. We all favor all the action shoot ‘em up, kill ‘em kind of movies. We settle on Young Guns, a classic. Come on its Lou Diamond Phillips and Emilio Estevez. Oh and Charlie Sheen before he went crazy. Yeah, it’s a great night with great people. It’s been too long since we’ve spent more than a couple hours here.
    “Well, it’s late. I have an early day at the office. Gonna hit the hay. You ladies have a great night. Thanks for joining us for dinner.” Jim gives us a hug and I can see he’s tired by

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