
Read Entangled for Free Online Page A

Book: Read Entangled for Free Online
Authors: Annie Brewer
hit or threw was his face. I did go to school the first year to get my teaching degree. My heart wasn’t in it. So I worked two jobs, instead. After the accident, my head was so fucked up. I’m glad to be leaving this place, to sort my shit out and figure out what I want to do with my life.
    “Noah, did you hear me?”
    “No I didn’t. And I’m not interested.” I hang up and turn the volume up loud, cruising down the most boring highway. It’s been three hours and I’ve seen the same shit- woo hoo.
    Guns n Roses blare over my outdated speakers and my head bobs up and down. God, this drive is a drag.
    My phone rings again, as I reach for it, it falls onto the floor at my foot. Shit!
    I quickly grab it with the tip of my fingers and I swerve the car, almost sideswiping an SUV. I right the steering and wave an “I’m sorry” as the driver passes me. His expression is utter disdain. My phone rings again and I scream obscenities at the caller.
    “You better have a good reason for calling me. I almost wrecked.”
    “I just wanted to see how the drive is going.” The voice practically purrs.
    “Well, aside from almost getting into an accident, it’s been boring and long.”
    “I miss you.” I roll my eyes at her confession. She’ll have to get over it. We’ve been through it, more times than I can count. I should change my number.
    I’m not a relationship guy and I refuse to be. Why are women so naïve, believing that guys really want that? I guess some of them actually do. Good luck to them.

Chapter 7
    I hate hangovers. I say that often enough and yet you’d think I’d stop drinking. At least it’s only on the weekends, unless there’s an event going on during the week but that’s not often. During the week I’m the responsible adult so I can save my irresponsibility for the weekends like most people.
    The rest of the night went by with no problems. Andi loosened up and had fun without her petty Derrick issues getting in the way. We all danced the night away. Derrick was the most sober of us so he took us home. My night was not successful, however. I pretty much camped out on the bathroom floor all night with a splitting headache. I finally climbed into my bed at 9 am and conked the hell out.
    Being that it’s Sunday, a day to rest and recoup before a new week begins, I’d planned on doing just that. But I was woken up with Andi informing me we were having dinner at her parent’s house.
    “Another Friends marathon?” I walk into the living room and plop on the couch and notice we need to repaint our walls. A favorite hobby of ours from our childhood.
    “Yeah, I fell asleep a couple of times the last time. I didn’t remember which episode I last watched so I started this season over.” It’s the episode where Ross says Rachel’s name instead of Emily’s. “Hey, I have a question.”
    I look in her direction, “I may have an answer.”
    “Funny. No, I was wondering why Joey never got married off. Everyone else gets married or has kids…and then there’s Joey, alone. Isn’t that weird?” I always wondered the same thing. He deserved happiness and love too. It’s like they just forgot about him. Aw, poor Joey Tribiani.
    “I don’t know why they left him hanging. We should write a letter to the director or screenplay writer and ask why they forgot about him. He should have at least been dating someone by the end. Instead they made it look like he’d die alone, so sad.” I stick my bottom lip out and she throws a pillow at my head.” I laugh and get off the couch to fix a bowl of Fruit Loops, I’m starving.
    “Ummm, you’re having a crazy hair day. You might want to fix it or something.” I laugh because I know she’s right.
    “I’m fully aware of my awful hair-do. I also know I was holed up in the bathroom all night and had no one to hold my hair back for me.” She makes a disgusted face. Landon would have come over if I’d called him, I know that. But I didn’t

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