Entangled (Vice Games)

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Book: Read Entangled (Vice Games) for Free Online
Authors: Alice Cooper
I was going to need it to convince Anna’s father as to why she should be allowed to stay with her brother. Elliot Vice sounded like a stern man and I knew that my appearance could help me in my task.
    Tristan Vice sat at the head of the table while Lorraine served him his coffee and breakfast. He did not greet or acknowledge my presence as I sat down. He wore a white fitted dress shirt that outlined his strong torso. He left the top two buttons undone and it gave him a professionally casual appearance. His hair was not slicked back and the wavy locks were allowed to sit playfully on his head. There was something sexy about it and I reminded myself that he’s already taken. Besides, a relationship of that sort would be impossible and inappropriate. I was here to help his sister and it is unlikely that he takes any notice of me in that way.
    ‘Just one sugar, thanks,’ I told Lorraine as she moved around to pour me a cup of the bitter beverage.
    Anna joined us shortly and plotted herself down next to me. She poked at her breakfast but after five minutes, she gave one big sigh and wolfed it down. My words to her seemed to have worked its magic and Tristan took note of his sister’s newfound morning appetite. I suspected that this was unusual for Anna, especially when it involved going back to the Main House. I guess there would be a great deal of protest and crying against the trip.
    Jace took out the black Land Cruiser from the garage and it made me wonder how many cars Tristan owned. Anna took the back seat and I was forced to sit in the front passenger seat with her brother. Lorraine gave Anna a reassuring hug before we left.
    Tristan drove the car in silence and I could feel it gnaw at my skin and Anna’s sanity. She began to fidget and twisted her fingers nervously. My heart only raced because of Tristan. 
    ‘Pick a station,’ I said to Anna, breaking the nerve-wracking trip.
    ‘Radio station,’ I told her.
    ‘ I don’t know,’ she said.
    I fiddled with the controls. Jace was the last to drive the car and it was set to Oldies.
    ‘Rock,’ said Tristan.
    I blinked for a moment before I registered what he said to me. It surprised me that he liked rock music. Or perhaps he knew that Anna liked that sort of music. I fiddled with the buttons and eventually found the station. We listened to classic rock. I carefully watched Anna through the side mirror and while she was still jittery, the upbeat sound of drums made her calmer than she was a few moments ago.
    The Main House was three times the size of Tristan’s home. If I hadn’t known, I would have mistaken it for an upper class private resort. As Tristan took the Land Cruiser through the front black wrought iron gates, I peered out the window towards the acres of land that seemed to expand out endlessly. I spotted several security cameras and counted at least fifteen. There was more attached to the side of the house and it made me wonder what exactly the Vice family did for a living.
    A butler waited on us as Tristan parked the car in front of the fountain roundabout. The butler held out his white gloved hand but Tristan did not give him the keys. Instead, I watched him defiantly pocket it. The butler frowned and momentarily gave me a sweeping look as he assessed me. He looked at me as if I was an imposter.
    Tristan moved to stand next to me. It was a protective sort of move that shielded me from the butler’s judgmental gaze. I touched Anna’s arm reassuringly and nodded to her.
    ‘It’s going to be alright,’ I whispered to her. Anna took a deep breath in and seemed to hold it.
    The butler notified his master of the arrival and w e were led into the main body of the house. The decoration was rich and intricate. Every part of the house seeped with age and grandeur. I thought it was rather much too big to be made into a personal home. There was nothing in it to indicate that a family lived here. The butler placed us in a waiting area and

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