hard, no matter how gruesome.
    “This place shall be your sanctuary. It will give you time to heal and find out what you want in life.”
    I nodded again, but this time it was only for show. While I did believe that time could heal, I didn’t think the other one was true. Rather, I didn’t think it was necessary. I already knew what I wanted in life. I was going to be his pet, a damn good one. So much so he wouldn’t ever think of replacing me.
    My Master frowned at my lack of response. “Zari—”
    The sound of the gates slowly opening interrupted him, saving me from replying. Someone in a black hooded dress came out. Her face was unlined, and I would have thought her ordinary until her smile revealed her fangs.
    “Alexandru, welcome.” She greeted him with a curtsy, surprising me.  
    Alexandru bowed in response, and when he looked at me meaningfully, I dropped in an awkward curtsy.
    The woman smiled in approval. “You are Zari, I believe?”
    “Yes, ma’am.” I thought about it and added lamely, “Milady.”  
    She reached out to squeeze my hand reassuringly. “My name is Lavinia, and I am one of the teachers in this school. You may call me Madame Lavinia, as the other students do.”
    Her expectant smile made me mumble, “Good evening, Madame Lavinia.” When she continued looking at me, I found myself curtsying one more time.
    She clapped her hands. “Perfect.” She started walking again, leading us inside the school. The gates swung silently shut behind us without anyone touching them. Automatic controls or magic? With this crowd, you just never knew.
    “You are quite the fast learner,” she remarked in a pleased tone. “I now see why Alexandru has chosen you.”
    My Master’s sly smile reappeared at the words. “Believe me, Madame Lavinia, it is not the only reason I have chosen her. You see, I have also seen her—”
    A thought crossed my mind, of Alexandru’s first sight of me, when I was tied to the bed, naked. Panicking, I stepped on his foot, hard. Master or no Master, I didn’t want anyone learning about that .
    Madame Lavinia glanced at us over her shoulder. “You saw what, dear?”
    “I saw her potential right away,” he finished without missing a beat. “She will make me the perfect human pet.” His gaze slid to mine, his eyes just as sly. “Correct, pet?”
    “Yes, Master.” I had to choke the words out even though I was itching to yell at him for being so darn mean.
    Our hands remained entwined as we followed behind Madame Lavinia. The contact between us kept me from panicking, but I would rather hang myself than admit it.  
    An expansive cobbled road led straight to the school, reminding me of my Master’s earlier explanation about the “training” that I would receive if I were admitted.
    Next to the thick, tall walls securing the property was a gatehouse, and when we went inside, I realized that it served as an admission center of sorts for the school. My heart became heavy with insecurities. Could I really make it here?
    “Please make yourself comfortable while I get the paperwork ready,” Madame Lavinia said, gesturing to the receiving area before leaving us.
    Looking around, I had expected the whole place to look like a kinky fantasy come to life, but so far, everything was just vast and tastefully decorated. This room, for instance, strongly resembled a hotel lobby, with its creamy stenciled wallpaper, carpeted floor, and elegant furniture.
    My Master sat on one of the leather couches. When I started for the armchair next to him, he shook his head.  
    “Where do you want me to sit?”
    He patted his lap.  
    My eyebrows shot up. “Are you serious?”
    “Do I look like I’m joking?”
    I couldn’t help it. I demanded again, “Are you really serious?”
    “Oh dear.” The words had me whirling around and I saw Madame Lavinia on the doorway, a look of dismay on her kind face. “You should never question your Master, young Zari. That is one of the most

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