medical attention,” Ian answered.
    He stopped outside the door as Stefan walked
inside. “Come in,” Stefan said over his shoulder, allowing the
vampires to finally enter the home.
    Jill and Mandy stepped aside to let him
inside. The lights flickering inside were from a lantern sitting on
the glass topped, wagon wheel coffee table in the middle of the
living room. To his right, a single candle burned on the counter in
the kitchen. “Are you ok?” David demanded, his gaze resting on the
blood staining Ian’s shirt and the tear in it.
    “Only a scratch,” he assured the man who had
been like an uncle to him his entire life.
    “Did she do that?” Mike, his other adopted
uncle, inquired.
    “No,” Ian informed them. “Should I put her
on the couch?”
    “There’s a bedroom back here,” Mandy
    She hurried down the hall. The slight hitch
in her step wouldn’t have been noticeable to anyone with human
eyesight and who didn’t know she had a prosthetic leg. The dim
candlelight flickering in the room she led him into illuminated her
mocha skin. Ian laid the woman carefully on the maroon quilt
covering the full size bed.
    Mandy opened a small medical bag and began
to shuffle through it. “I have some needle and thread…”
    “The punctures are already closed, but she
needs blood.”
    Mandy turned toward him, her deep brown eyes
were filled with concern. She’d cut her black hair since he’d last
seen her; it was now cropped close to her head and enhanced her
high cheekbones and full mouth. “I’m only a med student,” she said.
“I don’t have anything like that.”
    “We can get some,” Stefan volunteered.
“There’s a small emergency clinic in the next town.”
    Ian’s hands lingered upon the girl; he
forced himself to take a step away from her. “I’ll be the getaway.”
Jill smiled after saying this, but her light words didn’t ease the
tension in her sable eyes. The blond streaks she’d had when he’d
first met her had faded from her mahogany, shoulder length
    “I’ll go with you,” Emma volunteered.
    “Stay, I’ll go.” Ethan took hold of her hand
and squeezed it. Emma started to protest, but Ethan pulled her
close and kissed her forehead. “Help Mandy. We’ll be back
    She stepped away from him as Mandy broke out
a blood pressure kit and stethoscope. “I’m going to need a syringe
too,” she called after them, but her attention remained focused
upon the girl lying on the bed. “And make sure the blood is O
    Ian found his attention riveted upon the
girl while Mandy wrapped the cuff around her sinewy bicep.

    Ian sat up straighter in his chair and rubbed at the
stubble lining his chin when the woman lying on the bed stirred.
Her eyelids fluttered briefly before closing again. Ian slumped
back in his chair, folded his hands in his lap, and stretched out
his cramped legs. He stared at her slumbering form.
    “She’s going to be fine,” Mandy assured him.
“She’s still healing.”
    She had his blood in her and a whole pint of
someone else’s, but the knowledge couldn’t help him shake his
concern for her. Mandy glanced between them before walking out of
the room. “We’re going to have to change her memories,” Stefan said
from the doorway.
    Something within him bristled and revolted
at the idea of messing with her mind, but Stefan was right. Nodding
his agreement, he turned to find her startling turquoise eyes
watching him. He’d expected to see fear in her gaze; he hadn’t
expected the simmering fire and resentment smoldering within their
    Sitting forward in his seat, he folded his
hands in front of him before speaking. “You’re going to be
    Her forehead furrowed as she stalwartly held
his gaze. Stefan shifted in the doorway, drawing her attention to
him. “Do you remember what happened?” Stefan inquired.
    A small flicker of unease slid through Paige
when her gaze landed on the man standing in the doorway.

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