Endorphin Conspiracy, The
acupuncture to the runner’s high in trained athletes and paranoid delusions in schizophrenics, well I think it’s a bunch of bullshit! I’m surprised as a physician and scientist you can accept such conjecture.”
    After six years of almost constant conflict, Kapinsky knew precisely how to push Geoff’s buttons. What Geoff could never understand was what pleasure it gave him, except to compensate for Kapinsky’s feelings of inadequacy. To respond at this point would only escalate Kapinsky’s warped need for conflict, make rounds ever more counter-productive. “I’ll be more than happy to share my research data with you at another time, Kapinsky, but we have rounds to conduct.”
    Beads of sweat dotted Kapinsky’s whitened upper lip. His jaw was clenched, his face gnarled in frustration.
    Geoff turned his attention back to Mark Jackson. “Let’s talk about your treatment plan.”
    “Sure. With her vital signs stable, I think we should concentrate our efforts at further resuscitation of her brain—”
    Cathy Johannsen arrived from the nursing station and interrupted their discussion. “Geoff, Dr. Pederson’s secretary just called. She wanted to remind you about the three o’clock meeting in his office.”
    “I thought it was four. Is she still on the phone?”
    “No. She said she sent you an e-mail about it. She just wanted to remind you to be on time.”
    “E-mail messages. God knows how many I have stacked up.” He looked up at the clock on the wall. “It’s two-thirty, and I haven’t even signed onto the system yet. Is the terminal in the staff room free?”
    “I think so.”
    Geoff looked over at Mark Jackson, waiting to discuss his treatment plan on the girl. “Mark, why don’t you and Kapinsky finish leading rounds. I’ve got to check my messages before the meeting with Pederson.”
    “No problem.”
    Geoff followed Cathy back to the nursing station and sat down at the vacant computer terminal. He enjoyed playing with computers, though he was hardly an expert. Nothing like his computer geek kid brother, Stefan. The extensive computerization at the Trauma Center dazzled Geoff. Even Stefan thought it impressive.
    Geoff booted the computer, signed on, and entered his password.
    Hello, Dr. Geoffrey Davis. Welcome to the Traumanet System.
    You have three new e-mail messages. Would you like to view them?
    Geoff manipulated the mouse and clicked on the e-mail icon.
    MESSAGE #1 DATE: JULY 1, 2010 TIME: 0721
    FROM: Alpha Micronet.org/syssad
    Received: NYTC.org, 1 July 2010 0718.
    MESSAGE: Hey bro. Good luck today. I know you’ll do a great job, as always! Stefan.
    P.S.- How about dinner tonight?
    Geoff smiled, appreciated the irony of Stefan’s message. His kid brother urging him on, the way Geoff had always been there for Stefan. He clicked on “Reply” and entered his response:
    Thanks. I’ll call you later. Geoff.
    Geoff clicked on message number two.
    MESSAGE #2 DATE: JULY 1, 2010 TIME: 0900
    MESSAGE: Dr. Pederson would like to see you today at three p.m. in his office for chief residency orientation meeting. Please be prompt. The doctor does not like to be kept waiting.
    Thank you.
    Geoff smiled, shook his head. It was probably going to be the same pep talk Pederson gave the last seventeen chief residents.
    He clicked on the third message.
    MESSAGE #3 DATE: JULY 1, 2010 TIME: 1037
    FROM: Received by: Mercury, NYTC.org, 1 July 2010, 10:36; received: gopher/nih.gov, 1 July 2010, 10:33; received: relnet/info.umd.edu, 1 July 2010, 10:30; received: telnet/nasa.gov, 1 July 2010, 10:21; received: ber2759.USDA.gov, 1 July 2010, 10:17; received: cobalt, telnet/locis.loc.gov, 1
    July 2010, 10:15.
    MESSAGE:Keep your eyes open. Nothing is as it appears. Proteus.
    Geoff stared at the cryptic message. What the hell did that mean? He noted the time it was sent: 10:15 a.m. He had been in the OR. Proteus. Obviously a code name. Geoff examined the extensive path the message had

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