Endemic Rise of the Plague

Read Endemic Rise of the Plague for Free Online

Book: Read Endemic Rise of the Plague for Free Online
Authors: Jeannie Rae
Tags: Fiction, Zombies
organic foods, with little supervision. Angora needed an exploratory lab for tax purposes and he knew that it would be a good fit for Mara and would someday, pay off for him to have her in that lab.
    “ Why did you have the vaccine on hold?” He lowered his head and locked eyes with hers.
    “ It wasn't flu vaccine. That's why it was on hold. The syringes were mislabeled,” she pursed her lips together tightly, glaring into his eyes as a lone tear crept from her eye.
    Frowning, James sunk back into his chair. He motioned for her to sit in one of the two black, leather chairs before his desk. After a few moments of silence, he looked upon her once more.
    “ What was it?”
    “ It's a long story sir, which I will gladly tell you. This is very, very time sensitive. We need to find out who received those injections and locate them immediately,” she said in urgency.
    “ No, you will explain it to me right now,” collecting his phone, he dialed a few numbers. “Hello, this is James Meadows. I need the injection logs from this afternoon's flu shot clinic emailed to me immediately. No, I'll wait on the line until I have received the email. Also, are there any remaining injections left from delivery mishap this morning? I see, deliver them to Dr. Brandenburg’s laboratory immediately. No, I would like for you to deliver it, personally.”
    He waited a moment looking at his laptop, almost as if Mara weren’t even in the room. He moved his finger across the mouse area. “Yes, I've received it. Thank you.”
    He said nothing after hanging up the receiver, just clacked around on his laptop for a short time. Soon, crisp , white sheets of paper began to eject from his laser printer. He reached down yanking four sheets from the printer on a shelf, under his desk. Dropping them across the desk before Mara, a somber expression hardened his face.
    “ Dr. Brandenburg, there are two injections remaining, and they are being delivered to your lab as we speak. I would like that explanation now.”

    Roxy closed the animal science text book on her lap and set it on the coffee table, next to the three other weighty text books, as she began feeling lightheaded. The neighbors were speaking so loudly outside, and a lawnmower ripped to life. The noise volume made it seem as if the windows were open, but they were not. As the air conditioner in her house rumbled, it echoed in her head. Even the clock in the kitchen ticked at a thunderous volume. She clicked the television remote trying to find something compelling to watch, hoping that it would take her mind off of how she felt and silence the other annoyances.
    After two commercials, she thirsted for water, her mouth fe eling parched and sticky. As she stood, dizziness rippled through her head. She reached down to the couch armrest to steady herself, her body feeling achy all over. Slowly, she shuffled to the kitchen, grabbing her purse from beside the kitchen door to the garage. Filling a glass with water from the sink, she quickly sipped it. Her head drummed with pain, as she put her palm to her forehead. Her skin felt cold to the touch, yet beads of sweat stuck to her face. Wiping the sweat from her brow and upper lip, she gulped more water.
    Going for her purse, she extracted a pamphlet that had been presented to her at the flu shot clinic. The cover had a generic picture of the building where she had received the shot with their company name and tagline at the top: ANGORA LABORATORIES, The Future is Yours . She opened it and began reading the warnings and side effects . Possible flu like symptoms .
    That would explain the dizziness and achiness. This is sure coming on fast. Just a few minutes ago I felt fine. Looking at the time on the microwave, she realized that she had received the shot about three hours ago. She laid the brochure on the counter and pulled some generic cold and flu medicine out of the cupboard over the sink. Her dad always said-it’s just as good as the

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