Encore (The Black Eagles Series Book 2)

Read Encore (The Black Eagles Series Book 2) for Free Online

Book: Read Encore (The Black Eagles Series Book 2) for Free Online
Authors: Kat Green
would never pressure you into anything. Although I am male and you always look so good. I’m starting to struggle to keep my hands off you.’ Toby winked cheekily. Megan was becoming much more into fashion with the help of Melissa, keeping her geek chic style but adding a little sassiness to it. It had gained her some following, girls that seemed to copy her style. They called themselves TeamMegMayness and Toby loved it. They had also gained a celebrity couple name, Togan, alongside Lulissa for Luke and Melissa which Luke hated. He wasn’t a fan of celebrity couple naming in general and thought Lulissa sounded like some drag act.
                  ‘I’m sorry and I am a freak. I’m twenty-four and a virgin and been kissed only once before you.’ It had been at her mother’s party, years ago, and was the son of her mother’s friend. They were both thirteen and she’d felt it was more that he felt sorry for her. It felt weird and it went no further. He went back to boarding school and she didn’t hear from him again.
                  ‘It doesn’t matter.’ 
                  ‘Yes, it does. I want to, but I’m scared of disappointing you.’ She let all her fears out. Everything that worried her. How she had no idea what to do, what did he want from her, what did he like, or not like. 
                  ‘I don’t expect anything. When it happens, you’ll know what to do, trust me. It isn’t about experience. It’s an instinct. Natural human desire.’ He looked at her and smiled. ‘Anyway, I like the idea of you being mine, and only mine.’
                  ‘Yes. You’re my Megan. I just wish the same could be said for me,’ he said looking a bit guilty.
                  Megan didn’t want to think about how many women he had been with. ‘You’re mine now. I can pretend, and at least one of us will know what they’re doing.’
                  He noticed that she didn’t look away from him and there was a little more confidence in her expression.
                  ‘True, speaking of which, when can we…?’ he asked braving it a little. It was the first time the subject of sex had been discussed without her clamming up and changing the subject.
                  ‘Soon,’ she promised. ‘Once this surprise party is out of the way. I’m all yours. Let’s get this barn sorted out.’
                  Toby rolled his eyes, playfully. ‘Fine.’
    Melissa had laughed so much her face hurt. She had spent the day with Luke at the bird sanctuary, only the second time she had been with him. Going out had been hard for her over the months, with discussions over her face being the main topic of the world’s conversations. Although the fact that she had almost single-handedly brought down one of the biggest record labels was now taking over. It was Luke’s fortnightly visit to Black Rose, the eagle he sponsored at a sanctuary. It had been a birthday present from Melissa and he loved it. He had become very close to Carl, Black Rose’s trainer, and could spend hours there. He wanted to learn everything about the bird as she was like a child to him. He adored the bird, and it seemed the feeling was mutual. Carl had commented to Melissa about how quickly they had bonded with each other.
                  ‘He’s a natural,’ Carl had said as they watched the bird swoop down, land on Luke’s arm then take off again. Carl had been worried that after their ordeals their sponsorship would be cancelled. He understood, but had been surprised when Luke had called just a week after leaving hospital, confirming that Black Rose would still be looked after.
                  Luke and Melissa drove down country lanes, laughing and smiling. He held her hand as she talked about their day. Her smile warmed her face, and her blues

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