Empty Aisles & Empty Hearts (Preppers Perspective Book 3)

Read Empty Aisles & Empty Hearts (Preppers Perspective Book 3) for Free Online

Book: Read Empty Aisles & Empty Hearts (Preppers Perspective Book 3) for Free Online
Authors: Ron Foster
Tags: preppers
rely on him teaching to all.
    A odd mixture of old southern gentleman and hell raising redneck, Dennis was well suited to try and lead this little group of possible survivors through the murky depths of modern man mastering forgotten skills before it was too late.
    “ You just thought I was getting eccentric.” Dennis had said many times over on showing off his constant add-ons and tweaks to his preps in the form of aircraft cable modern snares and steel Conibear body hold animal kill traps.
    “ Everyone here is an eater or consumer in some way, so everyone here has to be a hunter, a trapper, a cook, etc. Why it will take me 10 days to even set out and teach you how to run two short trap lines. First off, never touch my damn traps! Charlene, you and you in particular remember that. You got a bad habit of having to touch or point to closely to anything you are talking about. These damn things are dangerous for one, but also remember I don’t want you scenting up my traps! Animals will be getting smarter by the day once I start looking at them as other than nice furry creatures and we all are about to live in the realm of hunter and prey.
    We can’t lose one critter by stupidity, have anyone break or lose a hand or finger to a trap or miss a meal because you don’t listen to me. We got food now but it ain`t going to last long and when these reserves are gone its only what we manage to preserve or get for ourselves. “Dying times” started a week ago in the hospitals when the lights went off and they were the lucky ones. Now we got plaque, disease, starvation, dehydration and social unrest and violence just cracking out of the egg. Keep your composure, keep up each other spirits, above all keep your humanity and don’t bicker about what you can’t change because the only lifeboat we got takes all hands to keep from sinking. This house was not designed to support all of us and living conditions are going to be a cramped as hell soon enough but, remember the stories of heroism in P.O.W. camps, the survivors of the holocaust who managed to live under worse conditions than we will ever face.” Dennis said before being pointedly asked by Monica what freedoms or rights Dennis was leading up to that they would no longer have.
    “ You all know I have been a “public prepper” on the internet and somewhat locally for years now. I got “stuff” folks want and it will soon be people are crazy desperate. That means visitors of various bents on mischief. So, security first. Get ready for a big freaking confrontation and wanting what food they think I got. The unwanted visitors can come upon us at anytime day or night. You got the ones that will start neighborly and those who are scared of my known affection for guns and and my assurances I don’t mind using them if we feel threatened. The later visitors will come at dusk, dark of night or predawn to take our wares. I can’t be trying to trap the woods for animals when I should be setting a few mantraps and guards on our perimeter for safety sake.
    Everyone will have a work schedule and a guard schedule, I see no other alternative. Community meals will be out and we eat in shifts soon enough so we ain`t all bunched up and ready targets. It takes awhile to get into this mentality and we are all going to be scared of our own shadows and picking at each other for not observing basic security rules until it feels commonplace. Me and Charles will fall back in the zone of our military war skills, but me and him freaking you out to make sure you are not sleeping on guard duty or observing light and noise suppression is going to drive you ballistic.
    “ No one, and I mean it when I say it, starts the crap about saying we ain`t in the military or this isn’t basic training because it is for awhile. It’s a new way we got to live now folks. No calling our business loudly to each other like its time for dinner or I am going to take a poop etc. Don’t holler at me

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