Empress of Eternity
that humans seemed to have great difficulty hanging on to civilization—and records—once technology reached a high level.
    Maarlyna’s question raised another line of thought. Determining hostile intent suggested more than mere mechanical response. Could the stone hold an entire intelligence of some sort?
    Yet, if it did, why had it remained detached, or at least passive, over all the years? Was there some sort of test involved? Or was the test simply to discover what the canal truly was and how to best use it?
    He frowned. Then again…could anything as enigmatic as the canal truly be “used” by anyone?
    As always, what he discovered was raising more questions than answers, and he needed some sort of answers to keep the Ministry off his back…and to keep Maarlyna away from Caelaarn—indeed anywhere near Unity spies and functionaries—for as long as possible.

    10 Quad 2471 R.E.
    Outside the station, the late-spring midmorning temperature hovered around 39° Standard. The wind speed was negligible. That lack of meteorological instability allowed Eltyn to return to evaluating the results of the latest attempt to delve into the unseen and unknown systems controlling the station. His virties scanned the records of the device’s attempts, but only confirmed what the very first attempts had revealed—that the DNA-infused pressure probe was effective in opening conduit covers, but not in operating doors and windows.
    Pressure[DNA] novel (8) ineffective in gaining interior/exterior access.
    Suggests [system?] awareness of consciousness/intelligence? Faelyna pulsed back from her work space.
    Interrogative possibility of incorporating replica brain-wave patterns?
    Would estimate probability of failure to approach unity.
    Interrogative integration/facsimile of higher functions? pressed Eltyn.
    Equivalent result probable.
    Your earlier observations. Windows only pass light when humans present/awake. Suggests that full-body-brain construct required. Clone offers theoretical possibility, but to what end? [disgust] Replica human equivalent to FFH.
    Eltyn considered her point…and the associated probabilities. Even before a rational and quick calcjection, he knew she was right. Agree/accept. Interrogative your basis for approach(9)? [polite inquiry, non-intrusive]
    Replication of sensorium…
    Basis for reception…[observe]…
    Eltyn appreciated the easy access to her protocols, even as he marveled at the ingenuity involved. Then he paused. Interrogative access to polariton generator/imager?
    Loan from IPS. ETA on fourday.
    She’d wrangled that from the Institute for Physical Science? Excellent. [marveling admiration] Duration of loan?
    Two months. Maintenance while restructuring fusion laboratory.
    Probability of shadow/dark energy imaging?
    Real time/space interfaces fully examined. What remains?
    Faelyna definitely had a point. The stone doors and windows reacted to human presence and acts, and intent. Yet under a complete range of observable energies, no form of radiation passed the stone’s surface, nor was there any diminution of energy upon impact, nor any observable reaction from the stone. Shadow entanglement?
    One possibility.
    Interrogative follow-up approaches? he pulsed.
    Possibilities…Assistance appreciated.
    [grateful thanks] Eltyn had the feeling she was being kind. He could accept that. They’d succeed or fail as a team, and he’d not been that successful.
    You spurred thought.
    Had he unconsciously private-pulsed her? Or she understood what he was feeling? From my failure…your success?
    Unsuccessful efforts leading to success are not failure. Our success. [apprehension/hopefulness]
    At that moment came a white pulse, followed by, MCC Met Station(W). Request b/up data, confirming sandstorm intensities, past year. Absent from report.
    ????? , Eltyn private-pulsed to Faelyna. Idiots 5 ! [contempt]
    [ fatalism 2 ] You expected competence?
    [rueful shrug] She was right. Their project had been

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