Emergence (Fox Meridian Book 5)
memetics department was still busy countering the online propaganda. ‘What is it this time?’ Jarvis asked.
    ‘They’ve got several next-generation nanosymbiont products coming out’ – a louder groan from Jarvis – ‘which are medical and cosmetic in nature at this point.’
    ‘Cosmetic nanobugs?’ Fox asked. ‘They think people are going to– Forget I said that. Of course , people will infect themselves with a nanovirus to look nicer.’
    Eaves grinned at her. ‘Actually, it sounds kind of cool. They’re calling it PureClean. It coats the skin and gums and keeps everything clean. No body odour, no bad breath, and you don’t have to clean your teeth manually. There’s a small benefit in avoiding certain kinds of disease transmission as well.’
    ‘Huh. Okay, I can see people buying that one.’
    ‘There’s also an upgrade to their existing immune system booster. They’re claiming almost a two hundred per cent increase in efficacy, but it costs more, of course. And they’ve got something which is apparently guaranteed to eliminate cancer cells before they can spread. Early indications are that long-term use is likely to double lifespan.’
    Fox frowned. ‘Potential can of worms right there.’
    ‘When’s the announcement?’ Jarvis asked.
    ‘The fourth of January,’ Eaves replied.
    ‘Happy New Year! I’ll make sure all leave requests for January are blocked.’
    29 th December.
    ‘So, it’s New Year soon,’ Marie said. Breakfast was being had in Sam’s lounge, because none of them had that much else to do.
    ‘I’d noticed that,’ Fox said.
    ‘I believe it’s come up in conversation,’ Sam agreed.
    ‘Yeah,’ Marie said. She was obviously going somewhere with this, but she paused to munch toast. ‘I was thinking… I’ve never done the whole New York New Year thing.’
    ‘There’s a thing?’ Fox asked.
    ‘You know, Times Square, the big ball dropping…’
    ‘The huge crowds, the bag-snatching, having to face the probability that some loser with halitosis is going to want to kiss you because it’s the only time of the year he gets any action…’
    ‘It’s only a few blocks over. We could walk and the forecast isn’t miserable.’
    ‘It is about the first New Year I haven’t worked in the last decade,’ Sam mused. ‘By choice, I might add. I have engagements tonight and tomorrow, but I decided I would free up my time for the actual night.’
    Fox could see him thinking it might be a good idea. ‘Crazy, the both of you. It’s all right for you two, you can just play suck-face with each other until that bit’s done with. Jason’s going to be in Toronto. And then there’s what to wear. It’ll probably be freezing. Belle? What’s the forecast for Friday night?’
    Belle, the house AI, resplendent in her usual blue suit, appeared beside the table. ‘Current predicted temperature at midnight on Friday is five to six degrees Celsius with clear skies and low humidity. Forecast certainty is ninety-two per cent.’
    ‘So it’s going to be cold and we’re supposed to dress for a party.’
    ‘Wear hose,’ Marie suggested, ‘and invite someone to come with us. There has to be someone you wouldn’t mind making out with.’
    ‘I could arrange something,’ Sam said.
    Fox looked at him and narrowed her eyes. ‘Who?’
    Sam smirked. ‘Someone.’
    ‘Now, see, that is not a face that’s going to make me want to go along with this…’
    ‘I can’t believe they talked me into it,’ Fox muttered.
    ‘Generally,’ Kit said, ‘when you get talked into something you claim is a bad idea, it is because you wanted to do it anyway.’
    Fox made grumbling noises for a second, because Kit was right… ‘Sam’s going to basically set me up on a blind date!’
    ‘Just for a kiss.’
    ‘He’s up to something.’
    Kit considered that to be highly likely, but saying so was not wise. ‘Belle could monitor his calls. You could keep watch on him through the house

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