Embracing Us (Embracing Series)

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Book: Read Embracing Us (Embracing Series) for Free Online
Authors: Delisa Lynn
today, we’re going to ask how the DNA testing works. I pray to God every day that my baby bean doesn’t have Evan’s blood running through his or her veins.
    “Hey beautiful, you ready to see if baby bean is a boy or a girl?” I say as I pull my wife in for a hug. She is even more beautiful when she is pregnant, she has a glow that takes your breath away. The way her body looks; her curves now curvier, and her breasts and ass are fuller.
    “I’m so ready, I hope that they can tell today. If not, I’ll be really crushed. We need to start getting the nursery ready and mom wants to start planning a baby shower, ever since I told her that’s all she talks about. I know she is going to drive me crazy with the plans.”
    “I know, my mom has already asked about it , too. I honestly think they had me on three way but didn’t let me know what they were up too. The two together are very dangerous.”
    “Oh stop it , Liam. I’m glad our mothers have become best friends, I know my mom loves hanging out with her and they love taking the girls shopping. They remind me of Addison and me.” She says, as I see a tear roll down her cheek.
    “Hey , no tears. We will stop by and tell Ads baby bean’s gender as soon as we find out, okay?” I say as I pull her into me. I miss Addison so much, I can only imagine how Lila misses her, although it’s been going on five years, it still hurts as bad as it did the day I found out.
    “Thank you babe, I would like that . I need to stop off and get her a Vanilla Bean Frappe from Starbucks. I always take one when I go there, you know that was her favorite. For the longest time, I couldn’t drink them after she died. But, then I thought, every time I have one it will be for her. That was our thing; shopping and Starbucks, and movies.”
    “I know love, you two were inseparable . Although, I know you love Nikki and she is your best friend, I know that you won’t feel a bond like you had with Addison. You know she knew about our first night together, I didn’t even have to tell her. She knew as soon as she saw me. I just laughed at her. Hell, she knew I was madly in love with you.”

    We arrive at Dr. Brewster’s office a little early. This wasn’t the same OB we saw when Lila was pregnant with the girls. This office was closer and we’ve heard nothing but great things about the doctor and nurses here. We walk in and in hand. Lila checks in and they have her to start filling out paperwork, they don’t use pen and paper anymore, each patient uses a laptop to fill everything out. Seems neat enough, but I bet a pain in the ass if the computers go down.
    I can tell Lila was crying, but I’m not sure what was wrong. She had big huge tears streaming down her cheeks. She looks up at me and says, “They are asking questions about the father.”
    I take it from her, and place one hand on hers and use the other to fill out my information on the forms. I use the best of my knowledge to answer all the questions with my family history. This baby is mine, even if that goddamn test says otherwise. I fill everything, and hand the laptop back to her to finish the rest.
    “Thank you Liam, I …umm…I’m sorry that, I did this to you…us. I love you more than anything you know that right?” she says as she lays her head on my shoulder. She finishes the electronic form and I takes it to the receptionist, once Li hands it to her, she sent us in another room. 
    “Lila Carls-Ellis, my name is Brandy and I will be your medical assistant today, if you will follow me. I will need to take your vitals, and get your height and weight as well as a urine sample.”
    I just sit there running my hands through my hair. I have so much shit going through my mind, hell I can’t even think straight. No one else knows that I might not be the father. I think Ashton knows something because he and I have been pretty close since I came home from the Army. He started to ask me questions last week when I told

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