Embrace the Mystery [03] Blood Rose Series

Read Embrace the Mystery [03] Blood Rose Series for Free Online

Book: Read Embrace the Mystery [03] Blood Rose Series for Free Online
Authors: Caris Roane
Tags: Romance, Literature & Fiction, Horror, paranormal romance, Genre Fiction, Occult
The clothes he’d been given to wear put a thunder cloud over his head, and he let the full range of his emotion fill his eyes as he glared at her.
    She met his gaze and quickly pressed her lips into a tight line, no doubt biting the inside of her cheek.
    She swallowed hard and with false admiration said, “How well that shirt becomes you. Do the pants fit?” Her gaze dropped to the cuffs that landed about six inches off the floor. “Oh, well, you are tall, but I see the tie I left you is holding them up.”
    The white silk shirt had been made for a man of ample proportions who had a preference for red sequins patterned in a series of red rose buds. Oddly, the cut fit across the shoulders but from there the fabric ballooned out to a grotesque size.
    Lorelei frowned at Batya and clucked her tongue. “How could you do that to him?” She turned her soft brown eyes on Quinlan. “That’s part of a Mardis Grascostume. I laid out a perfectly reasonable t-shirt and I can get it for you, if you want.” She even offered Batya a disapproving shake of her head.
    “No,” he said, feeling stubborn, eyeing Batya once more. “This will do nicely.”
    Batya pathed, Sure you don’t want the tee because that deep voice of yours has an edge.
    I’ll give you an edge.
    Batya sipped her coffee and met his gaze over the rim. Promises, promises. She gestured for him to take the seat at the head of the table.
    He growled softly in what he hoped sounded menacing. Lorelei’s eyes widened but Batya laughed. He experienced a sudden, strong desire to teach her that whoever she thought she was in this absurd little world of hers in Lebanon, he was the Mastyr of Grochaire Realm and could take her apart if he wanted to.
    When he sat down, however, a strange odor met his nose. He looked around first, wondering where it was coming from, maybe something rotting in the basement, then realized that it came from a soupy-looking bowl of what had to be an attempt at scrambled eggs.
    Sweet Goddess, was this his meal?
    He met Batya’s gaze but she stared back as though not understanding, daring him, probably. “Lorelei was kind enough to cook for us.”
    He glanced at Lorelei. A flame of pink suddenly covered her cheeks. He took the ladle and scooped the eggs onto his plate. Seasonings floated in the lumpy, watery mixture. His nose twitched.
    Using his fork, he took a bite and only with the strongest effort stopped from spitting it out.
    Batya’s voice pierced his head as she pathed, I should have warned you. Lorelei isn’t the best cook, but she tries very hard.
    She ladled out her own eggs, took a bite and washed it down with a swift gulp of coffee. He should have brought his mug with him.
    If you intend to eat this, I’ll follow your lead.
    It’ll be a kindness. Lorelei has issues.
    Got it.
    That’s when he noticed that Batya’s color was high, almost feverish. Was she ill?
    Are you all right?
    Her gaze shot to his. Why do you ask? She even frowned slightly.
    Your coloring. You don’t look so good.
    I’m fine.
    A little too hasty, Cha.
    We’re being rude to Lorelei, conversing like this in front of her. And by the way, she may be a gentle spirit but she’s got some power I haven’t yet figured out.
    He glanced at the ex-pat, who also pushed her eggs around on her plate.
    Lorelei lifted her gaze to his. “It’s okay. You can keep pathing with each other. I don’t mind and I’m sorry about these blasted eggs. How about I make some toast?” She rose as she spoke, grabbing up the bowl before either of them could protest. “I’ll cut up some apples and cheese as well. I don’t think I can screw those up too badly.” Her smile faltered.
    “Thank you,” he said.
    When she left the room, his gaze followed her. Something wasn’t right about Lorelei, beyond her ‘issues’, but he couldn’t quite figure out what bugged him about the woman. She was tall like Batya, almost the same height, maybe an inch shorter.
    She had beautiful

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