Earthman Jack vs. The Ghost Planet

Read Earthman Jack vs. The Ghost Planet for Free Online

Book: Read Earthman Jack vs. The Ghost Planet for Free Online
Authors: Matthew Kadish
Tags: Science-Fiction, adventure, Fantasy, YA), Sci-Fi, Young Adult
and we’re all beneath her or something.”
    “She’s right,” added Matt, patting Jack good-naturedly on
the shoulder.  “Might be time to move on to easier pickings, my friend.”
    “Look, you guys have got her all wrong,” said Jack.  “She’s
not mean, or stuck up, or anything like that.  She’s just… different, is all.”
    “I’ll say,” said Chunk.  “She’s the spawn of Shepherd.  Mark
of the beast!  DEVIL CHILD!”  He started flicking his tongue out of his mouth
wildly, trying to look as evil as possible.
    “Knock it off,” said Jack, putting a kibosh on Chunk’s fun. 
“She’s nothing like that.  I’m sure that if people just took the time to get to
know her, they’d find that she’s really a great person.”
    “Well, someone’s about to find out,” said Peter.
    “Huh?’ replied Jack.
    Peter nodded his head toward Anna.  “Check it out,” he said.
    Jack turned his attention back to Anna.  To his horror, J.C.
Rowdey appeared to be strutting up to her, a big, dumb, cocky grin on his face,
with his cronies cheering him on from their table.
    Jack felt the cold grip of terror seize his heart.  Oh,
no , he thought.  Not this; anything but this!
    Despite the fact that in Jack’s book, J.C. fell into the
category of “raging jack-hole that no one in his right mind could possibly
like,” he had to admit the guy had a few things going for him.  First of all,
he was good-looking.  Second, his family had a lot of money.  Third, he was
captain of the football team.  Fourth, he was extremely popular.  Combine all
that with the fact that Anna hadn’t been around long enough to actually know
what kind of a creep J.C. was, and suddenly he found himself with the makings
of a very dangerous situation.
    With a flourish, J.C. kicked out the empty chair by Anna and
smoothly slid in next to her.  Anna looked up from her book, somewhat surprised
by her new visitor.  J.C. flashed his winning varsity smile, then leaned in and
began talking to her.
    “What the heck is he doing?” Jack wondered aloud.
    “I heard Marietta Edgecombe say J.C. was going to ask Anna
to the Homecoming dance,” Norma said.
    “What!?” exclaimed Jack.  “Why didn’t you say anything?”
    “I dunno,” said Norma innocently.  “Who cares if the
meathead wants to go out with the ice queen?”
    “Me!” said Jack.  “ I was going to ask her to the
    His friends all chuckled.
    “Chillax, hoss,” said Matt reassuringly.  “She’ll probably
turn him down.  Just like she’s turned down every other guy who has tried to
date her.  Just like she’d probably turn you down if you ever found the guts to
ask her out.”
    “Thanks,” said Jack sardonically.  “I feel much better now.”
    “That’s what friends are for, buddy!” replied Matt with a smile.
    Despite the friendly dig at Jack, Matt was right.  There
wasn’t a scenario Jack could imagine in which Anna would ever agree to date
someone like J.C. Rowdey.  And that was somewhat comforting.  But still, Jack
watched from afar with baited breath as J.C. made his move.
    It was obvious Anna wanted to go back to eating alone and
reading her book, but J.C. was oblivious to her polite attempts to ignore him. 
Instead, he slithered up beside her, still flapping his lips, and even went so
far as to put his arm around her shoulders.  His dumb meathead face was nuzzled
by her ear as he whispered something to her.
    It was apparent that Anna was uncomfortable with the entire
situation.  She gently grabbed J.C.’s hand and pulled his arm off her, said
something to J.C. politely, and then turned her attention back to her book. 
J.C. glanced toward his minions, who were all watching.  Then, he forced a
smile back on his face and put his arm around Anna again.  He pressed on, and
it was clear Anna was growing more and more agitated with his advances.
    Jack could feel jealousy and anger well up inside him.  He
could take all the beatings,

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