E Virus: The Diary of a Modern Day Girl (Book 2): The Path of Destruction

Read E Virus: The Diary of a Modern Day Girl (Book 2): The Path of Destruction for Free Online

Book: Read E Virus: The Diary of a Modern Day Girl (Book 2): The Path of Destruction for Free Online
Authors: Jessica Ward
Tags: Zombies
mate?” Ryan asked, getting out the car.
    “I was going to ask you the same question.” Nick replied.
    I opened the door and looked around me. We were back in the countryside. I almost suggested going back to the apartment. After all we had managed to live in a relatively normal environment, with minimal danger. I would actually be quite happy, having my own home comforts back.
    It was then I remembered. I didn’t have my damn keys. Duckface, the rancid, horrible, inconsiderate bitch had stolen them, along with my car. God I hated her. She had run off to find her (ex) husband and left us all to die at the hands of the infected. Not only that, she had done it on purpose. She made damn sure she would be the last to leave the base. She had taken it upon herself to unleash to tenants of the main base, she had done it purely out of spite.
    It was her fault we were in this situation. It was her fault we had no safe place, no roof over our heads and no belongings. She had ruined it all. She had made no effort with any of us since this whole fiasco began. She only cared about herself, she had always been that way, and we had all been way too easy on her.
    I hoped to god she was alive out there somewhere. If I ever saw her again, I’d make sure she got what she deserved.
    I could feel the anger building up inside me just thinking about her.
    “Guys, what’s the plan?” Lacey asked as her and Paul stepped out the back.
    It was clear. None of us knew where to go, or what to do. The main problem we had, was we didn’t know where was safe, if in fact there was anywhere safe to go.
    We had to make a decision, with the winter months closing in fast; our hours of daylight were fading rapidly.
    “We should stick to the outskirts, try and avoid the cities and any built up areas.” Leon suggested.
    “Ok, I have an idea.” I announced to the group. They all looked at me, waiting for me to formulate some sort of intricate yet genius plan to get us all through this. Sadly, that wasn’t what I had in mind.
    “Let’s just flip a coin and see where that takes us?” I suggested, holding up a 50 pence piece I had found in our newly acquired car.
    Everyone looked at me, as if I had gone mad. I ignored them as I carried on.
    “Heads we go left, tails we go right.” I said pointing in both directions.
    They all looked at one another. Nick was the first to agree. “Well, ok, I suppose, if no one has any better ideas?” he asked the group.
    He was met again by complete silence. They reluctantly agreed. It wasn’t the best plan, but at this stage we needed to go somewhere. We didn’t know what would be waiting for us around each corner, so putting it into perspective; it wasn’t the worst idea leaving it to fate.
    I took a step forward and flipped the coin into the air. I caught it and covered my palm.
    “Here goes nothing.” I sighed as I lifted my hand and the coin came into view.
    “Heads it is.” I announced.
    “Fair enough.” Nick shrugged as we piled back into the cars. We were already facing in the right direction, so I took it as a good sign.
    We headed past the countryside, and more into the real world. Nick kept his speed down; we couldn’t afford any accidents in our current circumstances. Ryan, Leon and the remaining group followed closely behind.
    As we got to the roundabout, Nick veered off towards the Deanwater Hotel. We were making our way down the same road we had first travelled through, on our way to the main base.
    “Is this safe?” I asked Nick, slightly fearful we would come across the same horde that had driven us out of our last home, and into the woods.
    “I don’t know, but the way I see it, most of those things will be on the opposite side of the base. I can’t see them coming back on themselves unless they had reason to.”
    He was right. Hopefully, they hadn’t found said reason.
    We found out soon enough. The whole place looked abandoned. There wasn’t a soul in sight, dead or alive. I

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