
Read Dust for Free Online Page A

Book: Read Dust for Free Online
Authors: Hugh Howey
Tags: Science-Fiction, Fantasy, Azizex666
broadcasting to other silos.
    “Sure thing. Shame you aren’t leaving in a day or two. I’m almost done with the portable.” He showed her a plastic box a little larger than the old radios she and the deputies used to wear on their hips. It still had wires hanging loose and a large external battery attached. “Once I get done with it, you’ll be able to switch channels with a dial. It piggybacks the repeaters up and down both silos.”
    She picked the unit up gingerly, no clue what he was talking about. Walker pointed to a dial with thirty-two numbered positions around it. This she understood.
    “Just got to get the old rechargeables to play nice in there. Working on the voltage regulation next.”
    “You are amazing,” Juliette whispered.
    Walker beamed. “Amazing are the people who made this the first time. I can’t get over what they were able to do hundreds of years ago. People weren’t as dumb back then as you’d like to believe.”
    Juliette wanted to tell him about the books she’d seen, how the people back then seemed as if they were from the future, not the past.
    Walker wiped his hands on an old rag. “I warned Bobby and the others, and I think you should know too. The radios won’t work so well the deeper they dig, not until they get to the other side.”
    Juliette nodded. “So I heard. Courtnee said they’ll use runners just like in the mines. I put her in charge of the dig. She’s thought of just about everything.”
    Walker frowned. “I heard she wanted to rig this side to blow as well, in case they hit a pocket of bad air.”
    “That was Shirly’s idea. She’s just trying to come up with reasons not to dig. But you know Courtnee, once she sets her mind to something, it gets done.”
    Walker scratched his beard. “As long as she don’t forget to feed me, we’ll be fine.”
    Juliette laughed. “I’m sure she won’t.”
    “Well, I wish you luck on your rounds.”
    “Thanks,” she said. She pointed to the large radio set on his workbench. “Can you patch me through to Solo?”
    “Sure, sure. Seventeen. Forgot you didn’t come down here to chat with me. Let’s call your friend.” He shook his head. “Have to tell you, from talking to him, he’s one odd fellow.”
    Juliette smiled and studied her old friend. She waited to see if he was joking – decided he was being perfectly serious – and laughed.
    “What?” Walker asked. He powered the radio on and handed her the receiver. “What did I say?”
    Solo’s update was a mixed bag. Mechanical was dry, which was good, but it hadn’t taken as long as she’d thought for the flood to pump out. It might be weeks or months to get over there and see what they could salvage, and the rust would set in immediately. Juliette pushed these distant problems out of her mind and concentrated on the things she could lay a wrench on.
    Everything she needed for her trip up fit in a small shoulder bag: her good silver coveralls, which she’d barely worn; socks and underwear, both still wet from washing them in the sink; her work canteen, dented and grease-stained; and a ratchet and driver set. In her pockets she carried her multi-tool and twenty chits, even though hardly anyone took payment from her since she turned mayor. The only thing she felt she was missing was a decent radio, but Walker had scrapped two of the functioning units to try and build a new one, and it wasn’t ready yet.
    With her meager belongings and a feeling like she was abandoning her friends, she left Mechanical behind. The distant clatter from the digging followed her through the hallways and out into the stairwell. Passing through security was like crossing some mental threshold. It reminded her of leaving that airlock all those weeks ago. Like a stopper valve, some things seemed to allow passage in only one direction. She feared how long it might be before she returned. The thought made it difficult to breathe.
    She slowly gained height and began passing

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