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Book: Read Durango for Free Online
Authors: Gary Hart
exactly what he’s doing, and he’s brought in some sound advisors, from what I can tell.
    In her earlier years, first in New York, then in Denver, she had been a rising star in the investment banking community and was known to have done some creative investment deals and made a very comfortable income in the process.
    As you advised, she continued, I did get on my horse and go see Leonard. We had a long talk and he laid out the structure of the tribal trust and the conditions on its use he got the tribal council to adopt. It’s a pretty solid arrangement and should carry them for a couple of generations or more. I suggested some provisions for individuals to cash out at current dollar terms. But if they do, they forfeit participation in the future proceeds. A few of them, a couple of the young hotheads, are taking off. But it looks like the large majority are sitting tight.
    He nodded. That’s what I’d hoped. It’d be a shame if they fell apart and started quarreling.
    She took a drink of the Jameson and said, You been down to see Two Hawks lately? She knew that he did so from time to time, and there were very few secrets on the reservation. I hear he’s still very respected, even among the younger ones.
    He nodded again. Yeah, I dropped in on him. But we didn’t get into the money stuff.
    She waited.
    His large glass was now half empty, the ice melting quickly. It’s strange, he said finally. After I’ve spent an hour or so with him, I’m kinda lighthearted, or as much so as I ever was. And I have a—don’t laugh, now—I have a really powerful feeling about the spirits at work in the natural world. He’s got some strong medicine inside him. Sheridan gestured toward his heart. I’ve never understood it, but it’s always like that. Far be it from me to declare who’s holy and who’s not. But if anyone is, that old man is.
    She got up, looked in the oven, and brought the whiskey bottle back to the table. She poured the width of a finger or two in each. This was the hour she treasured with Sheridan. Presently, she said, I went to see him too, Daniel.
    He looked surprised.
    I have a number of times, she continued. Pretty much for the same reason as you. It’s very hard to explain and I’d never even try with anyone but you. Don’t worry, she said, we don’t talk about you.
    This was largely, but not totally, true. She and Two Hawks never discussed Sheridan by name. But they both referred to “our friend” from time to time and walked carefully around his soul.
    Caroline got up and brought plates and old silver to the table. He is holy somehow, she said. You couldn’t explain this to anyone who hadn’t known him a long time. It just sounds like some kind of Hollywood Indian talk. But he is. I’m pretty much awestruck when I’m with him. And like you just said, you come away better and…I guess…healthier, somehow.
    You’re the healthiest person I know, Sheridan said. She laughed. He said, No, I really mean it. You’re always on an even keel. I haven’t seen you mad in…well, a pretty long time. You seem content with what you’ve got. He smiled, Am I wrong?
    She shook her head. No, you’re not wrong. I’ve been luckier than most. Ingratitude is a sin, and not one I’m about to commit. She took a large sip of whiskey and looked evenly at him. She stood up again and said, I save my sins for other things. She removed a baked chicken from the oven and brought it and a pan of roasted potatoes to the table. This going to be enough? she asked.
    Beggars can’t be choosers, Sheridan said. Well, now Ms. Missionary Lady, we going to have a prayer meeting or should I carve this bird? He started carving without waiting for a response.
    Didn’t mean to wander off into theology, Caroline said. It’s just that I’m grateful for all that I have… She hesitated, then laid a

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