Drunk In Love: The Complete Series: BBW BDSM Erotica
    “Hello?” I said, putting down my now empty glass of wine.
    The voice of my best friend came through the phone. In all the chaos of yesterday, I hadn’t had time to call and give her the scoop.
    “Sam, you okay? I’ve been calling you.” Tracy was right. I saw at least a half dozen missed calls from her this morning, but I was a little preoccupied.
    “Sorry, I was a little tied up last night.” Which was the truth. I wasn’t sure how to go about telling her what happened last night.
    “I bet. Trevor called me looking for you.” I wasn’t surprised to hear that.
    “Things got crazy last night.” Tracy didn’t press me with questions; she was cool in that way. She let me say what was on my mind. She knew that I would tell her everything when I was ready, and right now, I wasn’t ready to tell anyone.
    “Well, I’m glad you’re cool.”
    We talked for a little while longer, her telling me what Trevor said and me complaining about work the next day. We said we would get together later in the week and then said our goodbyes. Great friends like her were hard to find, and I really needed to see her in person to explain my wild night.
    With the shower still going, I was relieved that Trevor wasn’t here in my face. I wanted to have my last fleeting moments of my thoughts about Kyle before I took a shower and washed all traces of him away. I wasn’t naïve; I knew that just because we had sex, that didn’t mean that Kyle was my new boyfriend. Maybe we were friends with benefits, or maybe it was a one-time ordeal. Whether it happened again or not, I felt great.
    I made a mental itinerary of the rest of my evening. Take a shower, change into pajamas, order some food for us, and go to sleep. Trevor wouldn’t be any more trouble today, so at least I could recuperate in peace.
    That was until I received a text message.
    My buzzing phone illuminated Kyle’s newly-saved phone number.
    “Monroe and Main. 9pm.”
    Dammit. I wanted to get some rest. I would have to be at work tomorrow, and there was no calling out just because the one-night stand turned into a two-night gig.
    But I couldn’t tell him no.
    “Yes,” I texted back. I had to see him one last time. The least I could do was tell him thank you. I couldn’t leave Trevor now, but I was still a changed person, and it was all because of Kyle.
    One night, one person, one cock, and I was now a new woman.

    I did as he said, meeting him at Monroe Avenue and Main Street under the streetlight. At nine-o’-clock sharp, I was there, pacing back and forth. I wasn’t sure what to wear, but heels were out of the question. My thighs were still tight from the night before. I opted for jeans, flats, and a sweater. My hair was tied up in a bun and I brought a jacket to cover me.
    This secret rendezvous was exciting, but I was more worried about getting home in time to get rested for work than I was about meeting with Kyle. Meanwhile, Trevor was at home, tucked away in bed and sleeping. He had no idea I was gone, and that was the way I wanted to keep it.
    Turning around I saw him, as if Kyle appeared out of thin air. I smiled, crossing my fingers that I could tell him this news and leave before he coaxed me into repeating last night.
    “Hey, Kyle. I just wanted to say thanks for last night. I’m staying with Trevor, and I’m sorry if I led you on.” My rehearsed lines came out pretty effortlessly. I couldn’t believe I said it all like I planned, but Kyle was unfazed.
    “What do you want?” he asked me.
    Was this a trick question? I looked at him, studying his face. Looking behind me, I checked to see if he was really talking to me.
    “What do you want out of life?” he clarified, and that was better, but still, why ask me these questions?
    “No hello? No nice to see you?” I laughed at him, but he didn’t return my smile. His face was intensely serious.
    “Last night, you told me a crazy story of a woman that was desperate. What made you that

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