Driving Her Crazy

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Book: Read Driving Her Crazy for Free Online
Authors: Amy Andrews
Tags: Romance
enough for the breeze to blow it against the broad contours of his back. And his limp, barely discernible, added an extra edge to his rugged appeal.
    A blonde woman with a baby on her hip coming out of the sliding door as Kent went in actually stood for a moment admiring the view. She seemed perplexed for a second after the closing glass doors snatched him away. As if she couldn’t remember why she was standing in the car park gawping at a closed door.
    I hear ya, honey.
    He was back in a few minutes loaded down with enough carbohydrates to exceed his recommended daily intake from now until the end of his days. She felt hyperglycaemic just looking at them.
    ‘Here,’ he said as he passed her a packet of Twisties. ‘I got one for you, too.’
    Twisties? Dear God, he was going to eat Twisties—her one weakness—right in front of her. She passed them back.
    ‘Thanks, I’ve got these,’ she said, waving a celery stick at him.
    Kent grimaced as he opened his packet. ‘You’re going to eat celery ? On a road trip.’
    He had a way of emphasising celery as if it were suet or tripe. ‘It’s healthy,’ she said defensively, and was about to launch into a spiel about the amazing properties of the wonder food when the aroma of carbohydrates wafted out to greet her like an old friend and she momentarily lost her train of thought.
    How could that special blend of additives and preservatives smell so damn good? Her stomach growled.
    Kent raised an eyebrow. ‘I think your stomach wants a say.’
    Sadie stuffed the celery into her mouth and started the car to stop her from reaching over and lifting a lurid orange piece out and devouring it like the Cookie Monster. ‘It’s because I listen to my stomach too damn often that I’m as big as I am,’ she muttered testily as she reversed.
    Kent eyed her critically as he buckled up, thinking she looked pretty damn good to him. He shook his head. Women in the western world amazed him. Their lives were so privileged they had nothing but trivialities to worry about. He really didn’t have the patience for it.
    ‘Please tell me you’re not going to eat celery for three days.’
    Sadie gave him an exasperated glare. ‘What’s it matter to you?’
    He bugged his eyes at her. To think less than two years ago he had been in the thick of a combat zone and now he was talking to a madwoman with a weak constitution but an apparently strong bladder about celery of all things.
    ‘I think it’s making you cranky.’
    Sadie flicked her gaze to the road, then back at him. He had orange Twistie dust on the tips of his fingers and his lips, which just went to show perfection could be improved upon. She wondered what he’d taste like beneath the flavours of salt and cheese.
    Her stomach growled again and she started to salivate.
    And not for celery.
    Maybe not even for Twisties.
    ‘No,’ she denied, looking back to the road. ‘You and your damn Twisties are making me cranky.’
    ‘I guess that means you won’t want any M&M’s either?’ he enquired.
    Sadie almost groaned out loud. How on earth did he keep in such magnificent shape? She could feel the fat cells on her butt multiplying just by looking at the familiar chocolate snacks.
    ‘Thank you,’ she denied primly. ‘I’ll stick with my celery.’
    Kent shrugged. ‘Suit yourself,’ he said as he threw a Twistie into the air near his face and caught it in his mouth.
    The crunch thankfully drowned out another resounding growl from her belly.

    By the time they’d crossed the state border and arrived in Cunnamulla, Sadie was definitely ready to call it a day. She was tired and over her strong, silent travelling companion, who had snacked all day, read, slept, listened to music and devoured two pies and a large carton of iced-coffee for lunch, whilst disparaging her pumpkin and feta salad with a Diet Coke.
    All with only the barest minimum of conversation.
    She wanted a shower. Then a bed.
    The welcome glow of a vacancy

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