Drive by Wolf
secret with her. Kyle had said to keep my mouth shut, but this thing was a big deal. I needed somebody I could confide in. And since Ree didn't have that many girlfriends—something about their men not keeping their eyes off her ass—she was the only one I had to share with.
    The employees' side door, where most of us who smoked gathered, came into sight but I stopped cold. Now that my nose was clear, I could smell again and something strange was in the air. I turned to Ree.
    "Go ahead; I'll catch up. Gotta pee." She went out and I turned to go sniffing around. Over in the pet section against the back wall was a guy standing in front of the kittens, watching them play. The scene wasn't unusual. Plenty of people liked watching the little fur balls, satisfying that longing for a pet while not taking on the responsibility and expense. But this guy wasn't right somehow. And the kittens were all pressed up against the back wall of their cages, mewling like a dog was bearing down on them. A dog?
    I sniffed the air again. Fuck! Werewolf.
    [Back to Table of Contents]
    Drive By Wolf
    by Jordyn Tracey

Chapter Eight
    I strolled as casually over to him as I could. "Um, sir, I'm afraid you're upsetting the animals. I'm going to have to ask you to move on. Sometimes they sense something about a person and—"
    He turned to face me. My words stuck in my throat. The madness Kyle mentioned that's possible when a werewolf eats the wrong thing? Bingo. Here it was. His eyes had that crazed look. They were just plain black, no distinguishable pupil and the hooded coat he wore was covering the fact that he was apparently stuck in werewolf form.
    Saliva dripped from his fangs when he bared them at me and snarled as he moved toward me. I backed up ready to piss myself. "Um, on second thought, have at them. What the fuck do I care?"
    Too late. He was contemplating those innocent kittens for a meal and I distracted him. Now I was going to be his feast. He lunged; I screamed. Or tried to. Somebody put a hand over my mouth and lifted me away just as someone else launched themselves on top of him. Just like that, the psycho was floored and the guy on top of him slammed a thick needle in his neck. That beast never knew what hit him. He was unconscious or maybe he was dead. I wasn't sure. The person holding me let me go. I whirled to face him, and he nodded politely. "Our secret is safe," he whispered and walked away.
    Drive By Wolf
    by Jordyn Tracey
    When I turned back toward the other two, they were gone. Kyle wasn't playing. The werewolves would do anything to keep their secret. I thought about what would have happened to Kyle or to me if the others knew about his little nighttime accident of turning me. I had the feeling they would kill him for fear he would do it again.
    That night, I didn't share my secret with Ree. I was still too shaken up at all the crap that happened to me in the first week. I just went home in the morning and crashed, hoping I would wake up later and find out that my life was just the same and I was still blissfully unaware that mythical creatures existed.
    * * * *
    At the waxing moon, Kyle showed up to pick me up. I was already packed and had the next three nights off from work. My temporary lover had come through again for me and called in a couple of favors. Those favors entailed having his boys rough up Mr. Nowicky to make him back off of me some. He was still rude and did whatever he could to make my life a living hell, but at least I could get three nights off once a month from now on, with no argument. He was too much of a dumbass to connect the nights with the full moon, so we were safe.
    I tossed my bag in the trunk and hopped into Kyle's sports car. The buttery leather was sweet. I hunkered down and put the seat back some. My miniskirt rose, and Kyle stretched his hand across to play between my legs while he drove.
    "So how was your first month?" he asked. 44
    Drive By Wolf
    by Jordyn Tracey
    I laughed. "You

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