failure before, and she wouldn’t do so now.
Katie took a deep, calming breath and stepped forward to meet up with the boys. Time to pull up her big girl pants and dance with the boys.
“Are you ready?” Paul asked with a slight smile as she stopped in front of him.
Katie jerked her head in a choppy nod. “Yeah,” she sighed out.
“All right. First, I want you to transform to your dragon form. Walk around and get a feel for your new body.” Paul stepped back a couple feet and spread his arms wide. Magic swept through the air, warming Katie’s skin and putting her at ease.
She followed suit, remembering how it happened the night before. She let out a breath and concentrated on her dragon form, releasing herself from the restraints of her human form.
Hot air streamed around her like a tornado. Katie released another breath right before she felt the magic take hold. Her body grew, her arms and legs transforming into large trunks with paws and claws on the ends of them. Her neck extended, giving her a new height. Then finally came the wings and tail. They stung a little bit as they burst free from her shoulder blades, taking their rightful place. Royal purple scales covered her from head to tail.
It all just felt so right. When the magic dissipated, Katie stood on all four and stretched like a cat—butt in the air, front paws stretched out in front of her. God, that felt so good. So right.
A laugh from behind her caught Katie’s attention. She whipped her head around to stare at Mark. He was hunched over holding his stomach as he howled with laughter.
He raised his head to look up at Katie and quickly sobered up. “You do know you are a fierce dragon queen, and not a cute, cuddly kitten?” he belted out at her.
Katie huffed and took a step toward Mark. She stopped as a thought hit her. She turned back to look at Paul, keeping Mark in her peripheral. Then without a second thought, Katie whipped her tail around, knocking Mark on his ass.
She reared up in joy, spreading her wings with her tail whipping back and forth.
All right, love. I know he deserved it, but come now. It’s time to get use to that new body of yours. Even in her head he sounded drop dead sexy. Paul nipped at her neck, bringing her back out of her thoughts of ripping his clothes off when they got home.
All right, all right, she huffed back at him. What would you like me to do?
Let’s start with a few laps around the clearing. Then from there we will work our way through a few other exercises that will get you used to your new form. Katie wanted to growl at Paul but bit down on the impulse and did as he said.
Thirty minutes later, Katie stood in the middle of the clearing facing both Paul and Mark in their dragon forms. Mark had decided to change over to help show Katie the ropes. They had done everything from sprinting along the tree line to jumping and rolling. Katie’s body had glided through everything they had asked her to do. She had been expecting some resistance but it never came. But now, it was the moment of truth. The one thing she was dreading more than anything else. The time to fly.
All right, love, I want you to spread your wings. You will need to push off the ground softly and flap your wings in strong, even strokes. Paul rubbed his face against her neck and then stepped back.
Katie closed her eyes and drew in a deep breath, holding it for a few moments before puffing it back out. She snapped her eyes open and spread her wings wide. Then being as careful as she could,