Dragon Down

Read Dragon Down for Free Online

Book: Read Dragon Down for Free Online
Authors: Casey Knight
my brother’s betrayal.”
    “I ’m glad to hear your father is on the mend. You can assure him I’ll bring Traygen home, alive and healthy.”
    “If I ’m not prying, what are your plans? What do you know about Zane?”
    “We are meeting later this morning to begin planning. Zane has firsthand experience with the Red and Black Courts. Jason assures me he is one of the best vampire hunters they have. Other than that, I don’t know a thing about him.”
    It was good to speak with Trevor. He reminded me so much of Traygen. I filled him in on what little I knew about the vampire courts. Before I could finish , Tokem buzzed in and interrupted our chat.
    “Good morning everyone. What ’s for breakfast? I’m hungry enough to eat a Happy Meal.”
    “Then you ’re out of luck. There is no Mickey D’s here. You’ll have to settle for pancakes. What have you been doing all morning or need, I ask?”
    “If you must know Miss B usybody, I was watching reruns of The Price Is Right.”
    I laughed despite myself. “I should have known. How did you pull that off? There isn ’t any electricity here.”
    “I brought my own portable battery pack. I can watch several episodes on one battery. Now if you ’ll excuse me, I’m going to eat my breakfast.”
    “Has anyone seen Zane this morning?”
    “He ate early this morning and asked me to have you join him in the library when you were finished eating.”
    “You two go ahead. I ’ll be in as soon as I’ve finished my breakfast.”
    Trevor and I left Tokem and headed for the library. When we got there we found Zane up to his eyeballs in maps.
    Trevor walked over to Zane. “Did you find everything you were looking for?”
    Zane glanced up from his map. “Lauren, Trevor. Yes I found the maps I needed. But, I have a few questions.”
    “Certainly, what can I help you with?”
    “We will need a small sailboat, preferably one that will hold three or four people and supplies. It must be sea worthy and fast. Do you have such a vessel? We need to travel light and fast. A crew is out of the question.”
    “Why can’t we fly in?” I asked.
    “Lauren, the vampires would detect the energy . Let’s not forget, they can fly. No, we need to approach them from the sea. It is the one place, they can’t follow us.”
    “You have a point, but next time can we discuss things first?”
    Zane shrugged in reply. “Trevor, do you have such a vessel?”
    I stuffed my fists into my pockets to keep from slugging Zane. In retrospect , I probably should have shoved them into my mouth. If he was trying to annoy me, he was doing an excellent job.
    “Zane, I believe we took such a vessel from the Vikings. I ’ll go check with General Wingo and get back to you. If you’ll excuse me, I’ll see to it straight away. Lauren.”
    The second the door closed behind Trevor, I turned to face Zane. “Zane, you need to understand one thing. You are assisting me and we make our decisions together. Got it?”
    Zane never took his eyes from the map, but his hands betrayed his anger. His knuckles were white and the area around his temples pulsed. The map shook ever so slightly. “I heard you. If you have finished can we get back to the task? The longer the vampires have Traygen the less likely we are to find him alive.”
    I nearly jumped across the table to choke him. Of all the arrogant, obnoxious fools, I ’d ever meet. He might be the worst. Jason, what in the world were you thinking ? Tokem and I’d be better-off without him. Instead of chocking him, I waited, controlling my breathing, silent. Realizing I hadn’t answered, he raised his head and looked at me. “That’s a start. Now will you answer my question? I want to make myself clear. If you can’t work with us, then we’ll go without you. Understood?”
    “Lauren, I don ’t like this any better than you do. Nevertheless, we both know Jason will not allow you to go alone. I’ll do my best to work jointly with you on this rescue. Good

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