trailed off.
    “Please say what’s in your heart, Seth,” Venus said.
    He cleared his throat. “Those two are with King Antyon. They were part of his plan. They are not to be trusted.”
    Amberlee gasped.
    “Watch your mouth, Formytian, or I’ll have you—”
    Venus turned to Palmo, her cornflower blue eyes freezing him where he stood. She turned to Seth. “I appreciate your honesty. I know of the part these two played. There is still more they must accomplish.”
    “Understood.” Seth’s foot touched the bottom step. “Let’s go.”
    Venus gave Amberlee and Palmo a once-over. Amberlee couldn’t help but be terrified. Venus was no longer a spoiled child Amberlee had grown up with. She was a goddess. It showed in her mannerisms, the way she moved and spoke. Her body almost moved of its own accord, but she held back searching Venus’s face. Questions ran through her mind, like: What powers did she possess? Could she know, like Ith and Aetha, the intentions of a person’s heart? Did she sense the hatred Amberlee harbored against her? Even as the questions ran through her mind, she knew the answer to all of them was yes. Venus could know everything. And it freaked Amberlee out.
    The truth was, Amberlee also envied Venus. Growing up, everything had always been about her older sister. She received all the attention, all the training. Venus had private tutors while Amberlee went to regular school. Amberlee had been teased relentlessly. Venus had been given the bulk of her parents’ love and it wasn’t fair—especially since Amberlee’s parents weren’t really Venus’s parents.
    Anger boiled anew and she glared at the would-be god. Venus met and held her gaze. “I know we aren’t sisters by blood, but you will always be family.”
    Amberlee wanted to laugh out loud, but she pushed the desire down. She would never consider Venus family. She hadn’t since the day she found out the truth. She needed to get away from Venus. She needed time to think, because as much as she hated Venus, she hated King Antyon more. He’d tortured and killed her parents. In the end she’d heard the truth from their lips. Her parents loved her. They loved her more than they’d ever loved Venus. What they’d done had been out of love as a way of protecting her. When she’d believed her parents were ignoring her, they’d actually been keeping her safe.
    At least that’d been what they said. After the conversation with her parents’ souls, she couldn’t help but wonder if that was the truth.
    The knowledge of her betrayal still hurt. She’d been part of their destruction. She’d allowed her jealousy and hatred to destroy her parents.
    New pain seared through her heart. She knew her parents never wanted to see her again. She couldn’t blame them really. By the time she’d realized King Antyon and his plan weren’t for her, it was too late.
    Near the end Amberlee witnessed what King Antyon was really capable of. She knew he cared for no one but himself and he intended to destroy everyone and everything that didn’t agree with his way of thinking. That included her parents, and even his own son.
    She’d witnessed it first hand, so while everyone in the cave with her knew Ramien had been evil, they would soon realize King Antyon was a close second. He didn’t feast on their souls, he believed he was too good for that. Instead he tortured, trampled, and cut into the very essence of a Kelarian until they were still alive, but dead inside.
    “Whatever you say, Venus .” She spat the word out and immediately felt bad. It was difficult though. She didn’t know how to react to Venus.
    “Thank you, Amberlee. I intend to be there as well.”
    “Why?” Palmo asked, once again sounding like the spoiled prince he was.
    Amberlee grabbed his hand.
    “I want to make sure Amberlee is given the welcome and respect she deserves.”
    Amberlee couldn’t help but question Venus’s motive. Sure she was a god now and petty fights

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