Dorothy Garlock

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Book: Read Dorothy Garlock for Free Online
Authors: High on a Hill
the frown on his face, headed for the truck in the shed.
    Boone drove slowly as he passed the neighbors to the south and scanned the area for a glimpse of the woman he’d met in the woods. He hadn’t been able to get her out of his mind. He wanted to know if she had suffered because of their accidental meeting. He considered turning the truck up the rutted lane to the house but discarded the idea for fear he’d again bring down on her the wrath of the bully who had sent her home.
    For the first time in many years Boone felt concern for a woman other than Annabel. He couldn’t help wondering if the ill-mannered lout was her husband. If she was the wife of one of his brothers, he wouldn’t have spoken to her like that—or would he? Tessie. Her name was Tessie and it fit her. The mouthy brute was just the type to knock around a little thing like her.
    Boone felt anger boil up. He’d like nothing better than to whip the hillbilly’s ass; and if he got half a chance, he’d do it.
    Murphy had been told after he bought the place that the nearest neighbors, the Carter clan, had lived in these hills for generations. They were a close-knit group who had little to do with anyone other than family. The Carters had operated a still since the war. If the Feds knew about it, they chose to ignore it because it was so piddling an enterprise.
    Boone went on down the road and into town. He stopped at the butcher shop and bought a ten-pound chunk of beef and another ten pounds of meat and bones to make soup, then went to the icehouse and got a fifty-pound block of ice. On the way back he slowed again when he passed the Carters’, but not a soul was in sight.
    When Jack awoke, the sun was hanging low in the western sky. It was pure luxury to lie in the warm soft bed. At first he thought that he was home. Then he opened his eyes. He was in a strange room, a strange house. Memory came rushing back, and he remembered his struggle to get up the hill to the house and how he hated having to ask for food.
    He didn’t recall taking off his wet clothes or putting on this union suit. Surely the woman … no, now he remembered that a man with a dark stubble on his face had helped him and that the woman had spooned something hot and tangy in his mouth. They had been kind and he had felt safe.
    He heard his stomach rumble. Lord, he was hungry.
    The woman came quietly into the room and smiled at seeing him awake. She placed her palm against his forehead.
    “Your fever is down. I bet you’re hungry.” She had a pretty face and a soft, lilting voice. She reminded him of his sister Julie, except that she had short dark hair. Julie’s was lighter and long.
    “Yes, ma’am.” The long sleep had cleared his head. The only thing that really ached now was his hand and his empty stomach.
    “I’ll bring you a bowl of oatmeal. Spinner has gone to milk our cow; and as soon as he comes in, you’ll have a glass of fresh milk.”
    “Thank you, ma’am. I’ll repay you with work as soon as I can get my legs under me.”
    “We won’t worry about that now, Jack.” She saw the puzzled look come over his face. “I took a letter addressed to Jack out of your shirt pocket and spread it out to dry. You are Jack, aren’t you?”
    “Yes, ma’am. Jack Jones. My family lives in Fertile, Missouri.”
    “Is that near here?”
    “No, ma’am. It’s in the northwest corner of the state over near St. Joseph.”
    “I’m not very good at geography. I’ve no idea where St. Joseph is.”
    “I’m sorry to be so much trouble. I thank you for taking me in.”
    “You’re very welcome, Jack.”
    “Ma’am, I can’t pay right now. I didn’t have much money to start, but while I was sick and sleepin’ someone took it.”
    “You shouldn’t be worrying about paying. You should eat something like oatmeal if you haven’t eaten a hearty meal for a while. Your stomach will be more able to handle it.”
    “Oatmeal sounds like a feast, ma’am.”
    “I’m cooking

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