timing was off, giving you the
chance to obstruct me at every turn. If I had caught you before you
consummated and cemented your coven, I would have had an easier
time converting you both. Never mind. I will still achieve my goal.
You can’t maintain your magic for as long as I can, you haven’t had a
coven that long, dear boy.”
“Don’t call me boy,” Hans said with such anger he saw red.
Forces within him stirred. Forces which had to be released, especially
when he glanced over to Adrian. His lover was unconscious, the
bashing against the ceiling doing more damage than Hans would like
to admit. His back was covered in bloody scratches.
The dark magician cast another spell, a fireball aimed directly at
Hans. He managed to dodge the energy in the nick of time.
Thankfully, he could retaliate straight away, his power available, built
up enough to utilize in an effective manner.
Hans imagined his enemy being flung out the window.
A scream of disbelief echoed over the roar of flames all around
Hans. The dark magician left with no choice but to cling onto the
window sill Hans had opened only moments before with his magic.
Desperation struck Gareth’s expression, a sight which pleased Hans.
“I’m more powerful than you think, and you know why?”
Don’t Read in the Closet – volume four 31
Surprise soon replaced that desperation. “Why?”
“Because my Adrian has accomplished something I haven’t been
able to do with any other man up until this point in my life,” he began.
“He has made it possible for me to be what I want, a man who loves
to be joined with other men in the most intimate way possible. He has
completed me.” With those words, Hans slammed down the sliding
part of the window onto the dark magician’s fingers. With another
scream, this one from pain, he let go of the window sill. A fatal
mistake. Gareth was magically flung away to a far off land, having no
choice but to submit to Hans’ magic. “That’s for Josh,” Hans spat.
A beam from the ceiling crashed down around him, ablaze and
deadly. In that moment Hans knew what he had to do. He had to get
Adrian out. Much to his chagrin, he couldn’t use magic. He was spent.
The power within him subsided for the here and now. Battling with
the dark magician had drained any benefit Adrian had given him
during their love making.
Hans cursed himself. He should have saved some magic for after
the battle. His Master would be disappointed in him. Strategy just as
important as attack and defence.
A moan knocked Hans from his thoughts.
“Adrian!” he screamed, rushing over to his man. He looked
terrible, the beating he received must have done more than create a
few nasty cuts across his back. “I’ve got to get you out of here.”
Adrian didn’t reply, not while Hans tried with all his might to pull
his lover up from off the floor. A task easier to talk about than do.
Adrian was a dead weight. Sure, muscles and height was an advantage
when it came to courting, but to lug such a massive frame out of an
apartment about to be burned to a cinder was another matter.
After Hans struggled for a few moments, unable to accomplish
anything but put strain on his own body, Adrian finally said, “Fight
fire with fire, handsome. Create a break we can get through.”
Don’t Read in the Closet – volume four 32
“But I can’t carry you, Adrian, even if I could do as you’ve said.
Besides, how the hell do I create a fire break? I don’t have any fire-
fighting equipment.”
“Yes you do.”
“Say what?”
“Come here. Let me get you worked up. That’ll get you sprouting
fire in no time, especially when I get my lips around your tasty dick.”
Hans paused to think for a moment. “Sure, that might work, but it
still leaves the problem of me not being able to carry you, doesn’t it?”
“As I understand it, my loving will give you power. Right?”
“Yes—oh, wait, I see. If you get me to
Flowers for Miss Pengelly