Dominating Amy
at the rain sluicing down the windows, stunned. “But I need you.”
    “Somebody else needs me more. I’ll call you back.” Elizabeth hung up.
    * * * *
    “I’m sorry.” Elizabeth’s voice interrupted the ghost-reel playing in Mac’s head. He latched onto her voice and shoved his father’s shouting into the back of his memory.
    “Was that her?” Mac huddled in the alcove of a corner grocery, trying to stay out of the way of rainy-day shoppers ducking in and out of the store.
    “I would no more tell you if she called me than I would tell her that you did,” Elizabeth said sharply. “I take confidences very seriously.”
    Mac shook his head at the rain and closed his eyes. “She wants me to control her.”
    “She wants to submit to your dominance. There’s a difference between submission and slavery, Mac.”
    “What about between discipline and abuse? Is there a difference between those, too? I’m not her father.” I’m not my father, either.
    “People want different things out of a power exchange relationship. Most of them don’t consider what they crave, and what they’re asked for, to be the same as abuse.”
    “Power exchange.” He exhaled. “Is this something she needs in order to be a whole person?”
    Elizabeth hesitated before saying, “I don’t know. Maybe. You need to find that out on your own. She’s reaching out to you, asking you to help her determine the answer.”
    “I don’t know what to do.”
    “You’re not supposed to right away. Your job is to find out what to do. You can’t know what she really needs until you convince her to talk to you. You have good instincts, though. She sees in you everything she wants. Trust yourself enough to consider exploring the parts of yourself you’re not comfortable with.”
    Latent drives were what worried him. Mac swore beneath his breath. Amy had wanted to talk and he’d shut her up. What if that was his only chance? Outside, the rain continued to pound the pavement, a wet curtain standing between him and Amy. He opened his mouth to end the call but Elizabeth spoke first.
    “Listen, she’s taken a huge step opening up this much to you. The next step is yours. If you want to walk away, if you can’t deal with a wife who needs to surrender control, you should tell her that. If you want to try to be what she needs, explain to her you’re willing to try but you need time to learn. And you can learn. If you decide you want to, I’ll arrange for you to meet with an experienced dominant who can answer questions and guide you.
    “You have to go and tell her something, though. She’s okay right now, but she’s stripped off all her clothes and planted herself in front of you, naked and vulnerable, and she’s in a scary place. The longer she’s alone, the more frightened she’ll get. Go home, Mac. Don’t torment my friend with silence.”
    He swallowed. “Okay.”
    “Call me if you need anything. Advice, or…anything.”
    “I will. Thank you.”

Chapter Six
    Amy eventually stopped watching the door and reaching for the telephone. She showered so she could pretend she wasn’t crying, but she couldn’t trick herself…and she couldn’t fool Mac anymore, either. Now he knew, too -- she wasn’t the same woman he married.
    He wouldn’t have betrayed her by marching her out in the middle of the street and calling her on her ability to love him. She’d committed a grievous wrong by doing that to him. Needles of water dashed over her skin, punishing her for such vast stupidity.
    The bathroom door opened, interrupting her self-pity. The shower curtain swayed close and sucked against her skin.
    “Do you still love me?” he asked.
    Yes caught in her throat. She struggled to force the word to her lips. Why was it so hard? What if she said yes and he didn’t love her anymore? Then what defense would she have? Silent moments slipped through her fingers like soapy water, escaping and swirling down the drain. The bathroom

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