Dolce (Love at Center Court #2)

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Book: Read Dolce (Love at Center Court #2) for Free Online
Authors: Rachel Blaufeld
quickly stared at the floor, expecting to see a pool at my feet, gushing from my girlie parts—which were most certainly not into all my women’s lib and what-not.
    “Well, it was good you had your best interests in mind.”
    “And yours. When’s Sonny putting you back on the radio? Do you have time for a quick break?”
    I cleared my throat and turned to resume slapping the CDs back into a neat pile. “I don’t know, definitely not tonight. But I have to finish this, so I think a break is out.” I waved my hand over the disorganized mess next to me, and tried not to pout like a lovesick sorority girl.
    “What’s this you’re doing? Seems a bit below your pay grade.” He leaned one arm against the doorjamb, flexing his bicep against the sleeve of his T-shirt. His eyes crinkled in what appeared to be sincerity.
    “This is part of what I’m supposed to do. I’m getting these ready for the music fest, where I’ll be grounded.” The last part came out on a mumbled whisper, more for me than my present company.
    “What did you say? Grounded?”
    I’d never felt smaller, and it wasn’t just because of his six-foot plus frame looming over my five feet three inches. “I shouldn’t have made that joke insulting Sonny. He gave me a chance and I fucked it up—messed it up. Excuse my language.”
    “You were being funny. I ate it up, as I’m sure everyone else listening did. He’s being a prick. You need to go talk with him. And for the record, I’ve heard the word fuck before.”
    This time he smiled big, showing his dimples, and the combination made my traitorous nipples harden.
    Lock it down, Catie.
    “You want me to say something to him, Cate?”
    Cate . His nickname for me was sophisticated and sexy. I’d always been cute Catie or cuddly Caterina.
    “No, don’t,” I blurted. “It will just make it worse.”
    “Okay, but you should.”
    I felt myself biting down on my lip, trying to keep from smiling. Someone wanted to stick up for me, wanted me to stick up for myself. It was a heady feeling, and one I’d never experienced before.
    Hoping I wasn’t glowing at his attention, I said, “I have to get back to this shit.”
    Blane laughed. “I love the way you swear. You may be tiny, but your mouth is mighty.”
    He tossed the bag in the air, and I caught it.
    “Don’t forget to give that mouth some sustenance,” he called out as he moved his foot from the door and walked away.
    “Thanks,” I called back, hoping my voice carried out the closing door.
    I sank to the floor, holding a hand to my chest as I blew out a long breath.
    “What was that all about?” I whispered to myself.
    Lord if I know.

    I wasn’t sure what compelled me to pop in and visit Cate at work—or why I gave her a nickname. Her name was Caterina, not Cate.
    As I ran the track around the football stadium, my hair flopped into my eyes again. I cursed as I ran my hand through it, shoving it back before wiping the sweat from my forehead. Where the heck was my sweatband?
    It was Tuesday, and it was a miracle I’d made it all of five whole days of celibacy without pulling my dick straight off my body from all the jacking off.
    As I pumped my arms and my feet slapped a rhythm around the track, my mind kept wandering to Cate. Something about that chick challenged me, and I liked it. Maybe it was the whole not-getting-laid mandate. Forbidden fruit and all that.
    At least, that’s what I kept telling myself.
    I slowed my pace as I rounded the track so I could bring my shirt up to wipe my face, and spotted one of my football buddies coming from the tunnel.
    “If it isn’t the Stealer!” Toots hollered. “What are you doing? Working off some sexual tension?” He headed my way as I stopped to cool down.
    Toots was a senior and was Hafton’s second-string quarterback. His arm wasn’t good enough to get him into the NFL, but it didn’t seem to bother him. He loved football and the benefits that came with it, especially since

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