Doctor Who: Ultimate Treasure
the shop?' Qwaid said, licking dry lips.
    'What about it?' said Gribbs.
    'Suppose he really did get it for selling a copy of the capsule on to somebody - I mean somebody else, not the fat man.'
    'But we watched Hok for last five days,' Drorgon rumbled. 'Just like the boss said.'
    'Yeah, but we lost him a couple of times, didn't we?' Qwaid reminded him. 'Only we didn't mention it to the boss, did we?'
    'Wasn't for long,' Gribbs said, with a dismissive sniff.
    'Maybe long enough for him to pick up the original capsule earlier than we thought and make copies. How do we know how many he might have sold before we got to him? Who else might be coming after us?'
    'Can't be very many.'
    'That's right,' said Drorgon, clenching his massive fists enthusiastically. 'And we'll take care of them, you'll see.'
    'But suppose even one turns up. The boss'll know then, won't he? And he'll kill us!'
    'Urr, no,' said Drorgon, with a rare flash of perception. 'Kill you maybe, Qwaid. He'll still need us to do work for him.'

    * * *
In an age of electronic data storage and transfer, Peri wondered if libraries as distinct entities still existed. However, inquires soon led them to Astroville's Central Archive. Perhaps there was some herd instinct that still ensured scholars preferred to congregate in lofty rooms with airs of slightly dusty, hushed silence. And though what she thought of as real books were kept in closed cabinets and were accessible only to licensed users, the information the Doctor needed was all on computer file, and readily accessible for a modest fee. The Doctor's lean fingers danced over the keyboard, and text was soon flashing across the screen within their study cubicle.
    Rovan Hathcorl Clemont Delermain Cartovall.
    Born 608,432.93 (Galactic Time Index) (1973 bc Terrestrial Calendar) on planet Centros, capital of Cartovallian stellar empire; comprising some fifty systems and 2.8x10" subjects. First son of Emperor Dorrian III and Empress Kalia of Cartovall. Became Emperor in 608,465.04 GTI Disappeared 608,469.29 GTI during voyage to vacation world of Serenity, when he ordered all crew to leave his private yacht at a remote Imperial outpost and took the vessel on alone to an unknown destination. It was later discovered that he had secretly arranged for the contents of the palace treasury (estimated value in current terms 6.4x10" stellar credits) to be loaded aboard his yacht before departure from Centros. Despite a multi-system search by the Imperial forces, neither Rovan nor his treasure was ever found. As Rovan had no offspring he was eventually succeeded to the throne by his younger brother Athren in 608,472.63 GTI. This event is often said to mark the beginnings of the disintegration of the Cartovallian Empire.
    For further biographical information see...
    'And all that was five thousand years ago,' Peri said, looking up from the viewer. 'And nobody's found out what happened to Rovan since then?'
    'Not as far as I know.'
    Peri's eyes sparkled. ' "Rovan' s Treasure". You think that's what Hok was trying to say?'
    'It's a strong possibility. Such a fortune would explain the ruthlessness of those three thugs we met and Falstaff's behaviour.'
    'And the numbers were some sort of map reference for it -X
    marks the spot and so on?'
    'Perhaps,' the Doctor said.
    'But after all this time, what sort of line can they have got on any treasure, assuming it's still around?'
    'I don't know,' admitted the Doctor, a smile creasing his smooth features, 'but it might be interesting to find out.'
    Commissioner Vorland of the Astroville Police Department shook his head regretfully.
    'I'm sorry, Inspector. Your section chief passed on your request but I can't spare the personnel or equipment to mount any sort of close surveillance at the moment. In any case I certainly wouldn't sanction any search of Alpha's home or business premises on the strength of this' He tapped the crime file displayed on his office screen.
    Myra Jaharnus looked at him

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