Doctor Who: Ultimate Treasure
his stomach, his curiosity demanded an answer on another matter.
    'Uh, there is another thing, boss.'
    'Just so we can be ready to move quickly, for efficiency like, can you tell us what we're after? I mean is there a lot of it and is it going to take any special gear to shift?'
    For a moment he thought he'd been presumptuous, but then Alpha nodded. 'That is a reasonable question. Perhaps you are learning to think ahead at last. Very well. If we find what I expect, you must be prepared to move a variety of items of different sizes. Ensure there are suitable containers ready in the hold.'
    'And any other equipment, boss? Is there a vault to crack, or any guards that'll need taking care of?'
    'Perhaps, Qwaid, you had better prepare for all eventualities.
    But the reward will be worth it.'
    'Is this the big one, boss?' Qwaid ventured, intrigued by Alpha's palpable sense of barely concealed anticipation.
    'Quaintly put, but an apposite description. Yes, this is "the big one"' Alpha allowed himself a low chuckle. 'But I doubt if you will appreciate the true value of what we may find.'
    'I've got a good eye for valuables, boss,' Qwaid replied defensively.
    'But this is more than mere monetary wealth, Qwaid. This will be a piece of history!'
    Astroville's freefall dome was filled with darting, swooping figures beating their brightly coloured strap-on wings. Peri watched them grumpily from the observation gallery, her arms still aching from her own recent session. It had been fun, but she knew she was not in the right mood to fully appreciate flying like a bird.
    'Why the long face?' the Doctor asked, after she had been silent for a long while. 'I thought the other day you said Astroville was a splendid place to be.'
    'That was before we were put under house arrest... well, city arrest,' she pointed out tersely.
    'I'm afraid you'll simply have to be patient, Peri.'
    'I guess I'm not as good at it as you are.'
    'No. You come from an impatient species, and you have youth against you as well,' He patted her hand. 'Don't worry, you'll learn in time.'
    She looked at him curiously, suspecting he was hiding his resentment at their situation for her sake. If that was so, she couldn't penetrate his mask. Meanwhile, there was something she had been meaning to find out, and this seemed as a good a time as any. 'Uh, Doctor. Can I ask, just how old are you?'
    'In your years, about eight hundred and fifty,' he replied easily.
    She decided he wasn't putting her on. She took a deep breath and tried not to show too much surprise. Oh. I see. I suppose you would learn a lot about being patient in that time.'
    He smiled. 'That among other things.'
    There was another long silence, then Peri said with a sigh, 'I just wish there was something we could do to speed everything up.'
    'Well it might help if we could fathom out Hok's last words.'
    'Apart from those numbers, you mean? "Ovans reasure" it sounded like. Maybe it was in his own language?'
    'You'd have understood it just as well if it had been. I told you, the TARDIS takes care of that sort of thing. No, I think it was some words the poor chap hadn't the strength to pronounce completely.'
    'It meant something to Falstaff.'
    'Yes, but he evidently already understood the context.'
    'Then took off leaving us to face the music. Must have been something important.'
    'Or valuable.'
    'You mean like buried treasure or something? That would be too much!'
    The Doctor had gone very still. 'Peri,' he said softly. 'I think you may have hit the nail on the head. Come on!' He leapt from his seat and headed briskly towards the exit.
    'Where are we going?' Peri demanded, running after him.
    'To find a library,' he said, suddenly sounding breathless with excitement.'There's something I want to look up.'
    Qwaid was talking to Gribbs and Drorgon in the Falcon 's control room. Every so often they cast anxious glances back down the corridor to Alpha's stateroom.
    'Remember that full money case Hok had with him in

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