
Read Divertissement for Free Online

Book: Read Divertissement for Free Online
Authors: Madeleine Oh
Tags: Fiction, Erótica, Romance
business at hand.
    This time
she ran her tongue down one side of his cock, slowly and very thoroughly, then
came back up to lick off most of the cream. Since the catch in his breathing
implied he liked that, she did the same up and down the other side.
paused to survey her handiwork and realized she’d barely made inroads into the
cream. So what? This wasn’t the time to worry about calories or cholesterol.
she circled his cock with her lips and worked her way down, licking and sucking
down to the root, then easing her lips up and down while her tongue curled and
swirled until all she tasted was skin. Hot, hard, male skin.
    As she
knelt between John’s thighs, his hand resting on her head, a wild rush of power
and desire flooded her. She so loved this! To think there were women who
scorned to kneel at their lover’s feet. Who thought this to be subservient,
demeaning. Ellen knew the truth. This was the ultimate female power. To hold
his cock between her lips, feel his erection against her tongue and to know she
had the power to maim, injure or give them both the
absolute…or one of the absolutes of pleasure.
    She took
him all the way back then eased up and down as her lips caressed him, her tongue circled and teased the head of his cock and
around the sensitive rim. Ellen was almost lost to time and the place, caught
up in the sheer joy and mind-fogging pleasure of his cock in her mouth and his
hands on her hair, when he said, “Enough, my love,” and eased her head away.
confused, she looked up at him.
finish this together,” he said, and taking both her hands, helped her to her
    She wasn’t
exactly steady and a quick glance at the wide eyes and astonished faces around
them didn’t exactly help.
she said, having not the slightest idea what to say next.
    He didn’t
hesitate. Or only long enough to put his arm around her waist and ask Alan,
“All right if we borrow your spare room?”
    She was
far, far too old to blush but managed it all the same.
ahead,” Alan replied, “on the left at the top of the stairs. You know the way.
Take your time. I think I’ll have Jane look for more whipped cream.”
    She could
have told them she’d used the lot but was running so fast after John—he did
have her hand in his after all—that she was halfway up the wide staircase
before the thought sprang to mind. Then they were on the landing and headed for
the room on the left. When John opened the door, pulled her through and pinned
her against the wall, she didn’t have brain space for any more thoughts.
plastered his mouth on hers, kissing until he left her gasping for breath and
aching for more. “John,” she whimpered as he ran his hands down over her
breasts before he grabbed her by the waist and lifted her.
    “I know,”
he replied, pressing her against the door for support as he lowered her and
impaled her on his cock.
    For a
fleeting second she wondered if the others were listening on the stairs, but
then he pressed even deeper and her mind as good as shorted out.
    Nothing in
the world mattered but his cock and the wild thrusts of his hips as he drove
her higher and faster in a whirlwind of desire, need and exhilaration as her
mind and body raced toward climax. A voice in her head was screaming her joy, a
being deep inside her soul was roaring with satisfaction, and the muscles,
nerves and molecules in her body thrilled at the raging joy as John fucked her
to orgasm.
    Spent and
satiated, she sagged against the door, but he wasn’t done yet. He continued the
wild rhythm until he came, taking her with him this time.
    He eased
out of her and she pretty much wobbled until he grabbed her and whisked her
across the room to the bed where they just about collapsed on the candlewick
    “Oh my
God,” she said. “You’re quite wonderful.”
    “I could
say the same,” he replied, stretching out beside her. “Although
you did come without

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